
227 Reputation

11 Badges

18 years, 260 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Michael

In the following examples I attempt to remove integer multiples of Pi from sin/cos. Nothing works.

Why? How do I make it work?

Thank you.


> term2:=cos(3*Pi*a+2*Pi*n);
> term3:=cos(3*Pi*a-2*Pi*n);

                     term1 := cos(Pi (3 a - 2 n))


I just downloaded Maple 15 and am trying to install on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine.


About halfway through the installation, there is a step where you are either supposed to supply the path to a batch file that will supply the environment variables that will locate Microsoft Visual C compiler, or supply them later as an option. The instructions say that Maple has a default batch file that will do this, but when that option is chosen, nothing shows up in...

Howcum the first of the following two statements does what the "help" says it will do, but the second statement doesn't?


Better yet, how can I make the second statement worK?

Thank you.


> convert(hypergeom([a, b],[e,f],1),Sum);
> convert(hypergeom([a, b, c],[e, f],1),Sum);


The following example tries to do the same thing two different ways.

Calling a procedure "M1" directly by name works fine.

Calling the same procedure by substitution fails to substitute, and when the substrituion is forced using "apply" I get an error message.

Why does the substitution not work, and where is the error?

Because of the complexity of my problem, I need to use substitute (or anything else equivalent) instead of directly calling the procedure by name.


I have justdiscovered that the following "simplify" command gives the wrong answer on Maple 11. Could someone please check to determine if Maple 14 does any better?

> S1:=Sum(1/GAMMA(j+1)/GAMMA(2-j)*GAMMA(1+a-c+j)*GAMMA(1+a-b+j)/GAMMA(a-
> 1+j)*GAMMA(-2+b+c-j+n-a),j = 0 .. 1);
> Ans1:=simplify(S1);


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