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18 years, 193 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Ninetrees

I am not a Drupal guy at all ;-) But I found what seems to be some other folks discussing this feature, and it looks as if they have a solution...


Best of luck!



Ahh. Now I understand. Thanks for your insights there. I also found some pages that I didn't run across using the Help TOC. I eventuall discovered that I could get there by searchng on "documents" and choosing a one of the items lower on the list. I get the impression that the Help is extensive, but a bit difficult to use until one gets to know how to search it. I see now that Math, Math Input, and Math Output are different, and are treated as different by Maple, but I think I must learn better how they differ.


Thank you for looking at my question. I am puzzled by "as its purpose is to hide "details"". This is exactly the same method that I used in Mathcad to accomplish the same goal. I am trying to learn Maple. If you mean that the 2D input is hiding details, then I don't understand how. If you mean that I have tried to hide details, I am again puzzled, because all the steps are there.

1. When I first opened I could see what you had done. Then I executed the whole doc with !!! from the menu. Eq (5) originally showed numerical values. After executing the doc, the result in Eq (5) displayed symbolically, as in my original doc. Is there something that I have done to configure my copy of Maple to confuse it?

2. Even after executing the doc and getting the changes in Eq (5), the last line in your doc, ReducedRowEchelonForm(M) still produces a matrix of numerical values, which is my goal. It seems clear to me that M has numerical values or the rref() would not work.

3. I copied the commands that you included in your doc to my doc. Thank  you for showing me those. Curiously, this morning, both docs work the same way. I now can see the results of the rref(), Eq (8) in my doc, but not the numerical values in the assignment to M, Eq (7) in my doc. I have included images from Mathcad to show how I am testing the same in both products.

View 1292_2D Math cf 2D Input w on MapleNet or Download 1292_2D Math cf 2D Input w
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Thanks, Tim,

I might give that a try. I'm new enough that I don't know what is a Maple error and what is my own lack of knowledge. I hate to bother tech support with something I'm supposed to know. Looks like this one might be worth submitting.


Thanks (slight embarrassment). I had not gotten around to looking at those menu items yet. I'll write it up and submit it.


Thanks, Robert,

I did as you suggested. I like (at least at this stage as a newbie) that I can turn off legends globally. Turns out that I had to go to two places. That didn't affect the embedded plots, curiously enough. I had to right-click on the plot and turn off legends for each embedded plot.


Thanks, Georgios. I did as you suggested and the error disappeared. I am still mystified. It might be something to submit to Maple for analysis when I figure out how.


I'd be happy to submit it...can you tell me how to get started? I looked on what I thought were the support pages and didn't find such a reference...thanks...


Thanks to MaplePrimes and search engines, I'm making progress. Still don't know why there are two methods of declaring multiple plots


plots[display](plot1, plot2) << this worked for me

display({P1,P2,P3}); << this didn't


I still can't hide some elements; maybe they can't be hidden?

...and I can't make part of my caption bold ("Figure 1."). Trying gets me a result that I don't understand.

View 1292_Tracking Project on MapleNet or Download 1292_Tracking Project
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Sorry...forgot to include doc...View 1292_Tracking Project on MapleNet or Download 1292_Tracking Project
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Thanks for the suggestion to view the Help page. I'll do that. I recognize some of the limitations, which is why I am commenting on the behavior. If there are circumstances where I cannot use the "A B" format, then I must resort to "A*B" and then I am left with the dot in the equation. Maple is advertising this as a documenting package, which is exactly what I want. I had been using V11, but it fell far short of being useful as a good documenting tool. Now V12 is much better, but I was expecting much more.

WRT the colon suppression, thanks for that comment. I tried it and it worked. I will see how that differs from just deleting the output after entering.


I thought that link was part of the link above... Rich
I thought that link was part of the link above... Rich
I use Maple, Mathcad and MATLAB. I think that they all have their strong and weak points wrt both function and support. Mathcad's support, for example, straight from the vendor, is not strong, but the Mathcad collabatory (similar to mapleprimes) is /very/ strong. I suspect that you will find the conversion process not trivial. From a "printed page" viewpoint, they may look reasonably similar, but to get the math regions converted, especially if there are advanced functions invoked such as programming, piecewise functions, solve blocks, and the like, is going to be substantial, even for one well-versed in both products. I agree with the comment above that doing the conversions can be a learning experience, but I also understand your reluctance to do so... I'm looking forward to Maple 11. I am curious about advancements in the full page mode... Rich
I use Maple, Mathcad and MATLAB. I think that they all have their strong and weak points wrt both function and support. Mathcad's support, for example, straight from the vendor, is not strong, but the Mathcad collabatory (similar to mapleprimes) is /very/ strong. I suspect that you will find the conversion process not trivial. From a "printed page" viewpoint, they may look reasonably similar, but to get the math regions converted, especially if there are advanced functions invoked such as programming, piecewise functions, solve blocks, and the like, is going to be substantial, even for one well-versed in both products. I agree with the comment above that doing the conversions can be a learning experience, but I also understand your reluctance to do so... I'm looking forward to Maple 11. I am curious about advancements in the full page mode... Rich
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