
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 188 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

Concerning your technical problems, have you tried contacting Maplesoft Technical Support?  They might be able to provide a solution to your problem.

Application Developer

Concerning your technical problems, have you tried contacting Maplesoft Technical Support?  They might be able to provide a solution to your problem.

Application Developer

Do you want to control the speed of the animation within the worksheet?  If so, you can a Plot component from the Component palette and do something like the following:

>MyAnimation:= DEtools[DEplot]( {ode1,ode2},  {x(t),y(t)},  t=0..20,  [ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,ic5,ic6],  scene=[x(t),y(t)],  x=-1.5..1.5, y=-1.5..1.5,
  arrows=smalltwo,  dirfield=400,  size=magnitude,  color=magnitude,   linecolor=t,  thickness=3,  animatecurves=true,  animatefield=true,

> DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0 = MyAnimation):

>DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0(delay) = 10000):
>DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0(continuous) = true):
>DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0(play) = true):

This assumes that your plot component is named Plot0.

Application Developer

Do you want to control the speed of the animation within the worksheet?  If so, you can a Plot component from the Component palette and do something like the following:

>MyAnimation:= DEtools[DEplot]( {ode1,ode2},  {x(t),y(t)},  t=0..20,  [ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,ic5,ic6],  scene=[x(t),y(t)],  x=-1.5..1.5, y=-1.5..1.5,
  arrows=smalltwo,  dirfield=400,  size=magnitude,  color=magnitude,   linecolor=t,  thickness=3,  animatecurves=true,  animatefield=true,

> DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0 = MyAnimation):

>DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0(delay) = 10000):
>DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0(continuous) = true):
>DocumentTools:-Do(%Plot0(play) = true):

This assumes that your plot component is named Plot0.

Application Developer

What I did (I have only tried Document Mode with 2-D input and Worksheet mode with 2-D input), I had pasted the user's line that caused the problem (8.85e-12*Unit(A*s/V/m);) in a fresh worksheet and executed the line to confirm that nothing bad happened.  On the next line I defined a value for m.  I re-executed the first line and found what the user had noted at the beginning (the unit simplified to [[F]].  Next I deleted the Unit(...) and clicked the very first entry in the Unit palette (the one used for a user to enter a unit that is not found in the palette). I had replaced the word unit with the unit that the user wanted (A*s/(V*m)) and Maple didn't simplify the unit.  By copying then pasting the 2-D line onto a execution group with 1-D input you will see that the Unit call has the units already quoted.  I had tried the above on both Maple 13.02 and Maple 12.02 with the same result.

Application Developer

What I did (I have only tried Document Mode with 2-D input and Worksheet mode with 2-D input), I had pasted the user's line that caused the problem (8.85e-12*Unit(A*s/V/m);) in a fresh worksheet and executed the line to confirm that nothing bad happened.  On the next line I defined a value for m.  I re-executed the first line and found what the user had noted at the beginning (the unit simplified to [[F]].  Next I deleted the Unit(...) and clicked the very first entry in the Unit palette (the one used for a user to enter a unit that is not found in the palette). I had replaced the word unit with the unit that the user wanted (A*s/(V*m)) and Maple didn't simplify the unit.  By copying then pasting the 2-D line onto a execution group with 1-D input you will see that the Unit call has the units already quoted.  I had tried the above on both Maple 13.02 and Maple 12.02 with the same result.

Application Developer

If you change the plot command from your original example to the following it seems to work in Maple 13.

plot(A(t*Unit(year)), t=0..100*Unit(year));

This will allow you to use your normal function that contains units, just that you specify the unit that is going to be used for the input variable.

Applicaiton Developer

If you change the plot command from your original example to the following it seems to work in Maple 13.

plot(A(t*Unit(year)), t=0..100*Unit(year));

This will allow you to use your normal function that contains units, just that you specify the unit that is going to be used for the input variable.

Applicaiton Developer

If you use the unit palette and type in the unit you wish to use, it will automatically quote the unit names for you so you don't need to worry.

Application Developer

If you use the unit palette and type in the unit you wish to use, it will automatically quote the unit names for you so you don't need to worry.

Application Developer

If you would like to make the text non-executable in Document mode, just remove the Document Block.  This option can be found under the Format menu.

Application Developer

If you would like to make the text non-executable in Document mode, just remove the Document Block.  This option can be found under the Format menu.

Application Developer

For information on the _Z found in the RootOf statement, the allvalues help page has some information on it.  The following can be found on that help page:

In some cases, the solution set is parameterized by names with the following prefix: _Z is for integer values, _NN for non-negative integer values, _B for boolean values (0 or 1).

As for the _Z1~, the tilde (~) in after the Maple name is there to tell you that there is some assumption on that parameter.  If you run about(_Z1) you should get the assumption.  In this case the assumption is just that _Z1is assumed to be an integer.


Application Developer

For information on the _Z found in the RootOf statement, the allvalues help page has some information on it.  The following can be found on that help page:

In some cases, the solution set is parameterized by names with the following prefix: _Z is for integer values, _NN for non-negative integer values, _B for boolean values (0 or 1).

As for the _Z1~, the tilde (~) in after the Maple name is there to tell you that there is some assumption on that parameter.  If you run about(_Z1) you should get the assumption.  In this case the assumption is just that _Z1is assumed to be an integer.


Application Developer

The information for %a can be found on the printf help page.  From that help page you will find that both %a are placeholders of Maple objects.  The objects that printf will use are the objects found right after the string.  Therefore, the first object P[i-2]/Q[i-2] will be placed where the first %a is located and the rlast value will be placed in the second %a location.  rlast is another change I had made to your code because the remainder value you want to use is the value that r was just before F[i] < epsilon.  You don't need to use the printf statement, you could return the values, I just had the printf statement so that you understand what each of the parameters are for.

Application Developer

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