
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 162 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

When you browse to the file in the MAC, what is the full path to the file (make sure that path is exact).


When you browse to the file in the MAC, what is the full path to the file (make sure that path is exact).


Have you tried the earlier suggestion of contacting Technical Support to help diagnose the problem?

I have tried what you are reporting with Maple 13.01 on WinXP and set savelibname to both "C:\\Test" and "C:\\Test\\lib", and have been able to do help searches normally.  So it may be something system specific and Technical Support would be the place to help with this.


Could you provide us with the file that you are finding this as well as the version of MapleSim you are using so that we can investigate?


You should be able to create a custom component to do this.   SInce the dynamic systems object will need an input and output variable, you could use the same symbol for both input and output.  Then when you choose the ports, just select one of them as the signal on the port.


You should be able to create a custom component to do this.   SInce the dynamic systems object will need an input and output variable, you could use the same symbol for both input and output.  Then when you choose the ports, just select one of them as the signal on the port.


The version of  Jakubi's code that will work in Maple 12 is as follows:

kc^4*kp^3+kc^3*kp^3*dn+kc^3*dp^2*dc*dn) /



The version of  Jakubi's code that will work in Maple 12 is as follows:

kc^4*kp^3+kc^3*kp^3*dn+kc^3*dp^2*dc*dn) /



What version of Maple are you using?  I believe that the *~ combination is something new to Maple 13.


What version of Maple are you using?  I believe that the *~ combination is something new to Maple 13.


As mentioned by Tim, all you need to do is set the rtable size to a number equal or greater than the largest dimension of your Matrix.  For example, if you have the a 100x100 table you run


before you run the line to display the matrix.  For a 1000x1000 matrix, you will not be able to print the whole matrix in the gui since it hits a limit.  The best way to see the matrix is to double click on the blue output and view it through the popup window.


As mentioned by Tim, all you need to do is set the rtable size to a number equal or greater than the largest dimension of your Matrix.  For example, if you have the a 100x100 table you run


before you run the line to display the matrix.  For a 1000x1000 matrix, you will not be able to print the whole matrix in the gui since it hits a limit.  The best way to see the matrix is to double click on the blue output and view it through the popup window.


Have you tried the maxheep suggestion from this link on Mapleprimes?

In most cases following this suggestion of setting the maxheep=700m solves this problem.



Did you purchase a downloadable copy of Maple 12 or did you get CDs with Maple 12 on it?  If you have the CDs of Maple 12, then just use the 64bit CDs to install Maple 12 on that machine.  If you need a download link for the 64bit install of Maple 12, I would suggest contacting Maplesoft Customer Service.  If you have difficulty activating, Customer Service would also be able to help you with that as well.



When you purchase a permanent copy of Maple, you will recieve a new download link and a purchase code.  Since you already have it installed on your computer, all you need is that purchase code.  To re-activate on Windows, all you need to do is go to

Start > All Programs > Maple 12 > Tools > Activate Maple 12

On the other operating systems you should be able to find the activation program in the license directory.



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