
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 161 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

There should be "flage this" just below the main post (or blog post) just to the right of the indication of how many reads that post has.

Application Developer

The call that launches the ODE assistant is


If you just run the restart on the worksheet and work through the ODE assistant so that when you close you have a response, then you should be able to find the block that has this call in it.  Just have you cursor on the output when you expand the document block.

Application Developer

The call that launches the ODE assistant is


If you just run the restart on the worksheet and work through the ODE assistant so that when you close you have a response, then you should be able to find the block that has this call in it.  Just have you cursor on the output when you expand the document block.

Application Developer

The function that you are looking for in Maple is called the ?Dirac function.  So the input you should have is something like the following

F := (y)-> int(Dirac(1-y/x^(1/2))/x^3, x = 1 .. 2);


Application Developer

The function that you are looking for in Maple is called the ?Dirac function.  So the input you should have is something like the following

F := (y)-> int(Dirac(1-y/x^(1/2))/x^3, x = 1 .. 2);


Application Developer

The reason why this isn't showing up exactly how you are looking for is because the lines haven't been executed before collapsing the document block.  When you collapse the document block, Maple gives you the option to display the input (the Maple commands) or the output.  In the video the commands were executed so Maple showed the output.  This could be toggled by going to the View > Toggle Input/Output Display

Application Developer

The reason why this isn't showing up exactly how you are looking for is because the lines haven't been executed before collapsing the document block.  When you collapse the document block, Maple gives you the option to display the input (the Maple commands) or the output.  In the video the commands were executed so Maple showed the output.  This could be toggled by going to the View > Toggle Input/Output Display

Application Developer

You can use the print preview option found under the file menu.  You can then see where the page breaks are automatically happening and then you can insert page breaks if you want the page breaks to happen earlier (for example to keep a certain section of the worksheet together.


Thank you for the suggestion for the trace feature on the plots.  As for the coordinate option to see where the mouse cursor is on an animate plot, you can get this by clicking on the animation, go to the top of the screen and click the "Plot" selection that is located between "Drawing" and "Animation".  This will provide the 2-D plot tools that you would have for non animated plots.  To get back to animation tools, just click "Animation" on the same bar.


Thank you for this information.  On these online help pages there is a feedback section at the bottom where you can fill in these comments.  The advantage of using the feedback section is that an email will be sent to those who look after the online help system.


What error do you get when entering it into Maple?  One thing you may want to do is enter the whole code on one line, not the two lines that Alec had entered.  So just type (or past in)

   plot3d(exp(sin(x))*cos(y)*sin(x*y), x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, axes = boxed);


What error do you get when entering it into Maple?  One thing you may want to do is enter the whole code on one line, not the two lines that Alec had entered.  So just type (or past in)

   plot3d(exp(sin(x))*cos(y)*sin(x*y), x = -5 .. 5, y = -5 .. 5, axes = boxed);


Thank you for the suggestion.  We will add this to the list for MapleSim.  Until this happens, you should be able to produce the piecewise usign a custom component block.


If you want to get the value out of the equality use the rhs command.


If you want to get the value out of the equality use the rhs command.


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