
784 Reputation

10 Badges

19 years, 120 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Scott03

I am not sure why the dot isn't coming up, but you may want to try to increase the thickness from 1 to 2 and change the style of the line from a surfacecontour to surface.  To update the component, just cut the code, click ok, then go back into the component and paste the code back in.



On Maple 11 you could change the default font by going into the "Manage Styles" from the format menu and changing the font of the style that is your default style (the styles that could be default are 2D Math or Maple Input).  This only controls the font used for the input of your document but will not change the font of the interface.  This should be the same for Maple 12.



You could contact Maplesoft Technical Support either by going to the following page to fill in a webform or email them at  The hours of operation for Technical Support is 9am to 5pm (Eastern), Monday to Friday except on Canadian holidays.


As for this issue, I cannot remember anything that would be causing this with the information that is given.  It is possible that Technical Support may have some ideas.



You could contact Maplesoft Technical Support either by going to the following page to fill in a webform or email them at  The hours of operation for Technical Support is 9am to 5pm (Eastern), Monday to Friday except on Canadian holidays.


As for this issue, I cannot remember anything that would be causing this with the information that is given.  It is possible that Technical Support may have some ideas.



Since Maple updates have many fixes and other updates in them, it is possible that this may be fixed in one of the versions between 11.00 and 11.02 and that may be why it works for Acer and not you.  You can download the update of Maple here (



Since Maple updates have many fixes and other updates in them, it is possible that this may be fixed in one of the versions between 11.00 and 11.02 and that may be why it works for Acer and not you.  You can download the update of Maple here (



When you were working with Maplesoft Technical Support, did you do the steps indicated by the user here?


For those looking for the documents the user had mentioned that was uploaded they are as follows:

PDF:   Download 8217_inequalities-mw.pdf
View file details

Worksheet:   View on MapleNet or Download
View file details



First are you in Maple 10 as Mario is guessing or Maple 11?

If your current style is saying "C 2D Output" then your cursor is currently in a region that containing 2D output from a math expression.  You will not be able to write anything in this block.  You will need to move out of this section (either with your cursor keys or with your mouse).  If the style is either "C 2D Input", "C Maple Input", or "C Text" then you will be able to enter input.


The dotted box outline is a new feature for Maple 11 that will show up in Document mode if you have 2D (Math) Input selected.  It will show what will be executed at the same time when the Enter key is pressed.



When MaplePrimes got updated this feature was lost.  Will has indicated that he will work on getting this feature back for MaplePrimes but he is really busy at the moment.



In the first step, do you have a a cursor surrounded by a dotted box?  Where is the cursor when you are trying to enter your text?  When I tried your step1 I got a "Document Block" after the answer which allows me to enter math.  Also, what is the character style when you are trying to enter your text?  You can find the character style in the drop down to the left of the font selection.



I have updated the link to link to the page on the Maple Tag.  Thanks for pointing this out.



Thanks for catching the mistake in the title.  It is now updated.  Congrats Joe on getting this well deserved prize.



Could you indicate what you mean by not intact?  Is this that MapleNet is not showing up the worksheet or is that when you try to download it, that you are getting an error?



By using the OpenMaple procedure (there is an example program in the \Samples\OpenMaple\Java folder in the Maple installation) that should allow you to call the dsolve routine.  This option requires a copy of Maple to be installed and activated on the machine that you are running.  Therefore if you wish to run this on another machine without Maple, it will fail.



John could you show a picture of what you got?  Have you clicked on the circtle with the two lines and played the animation?



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