
195 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 215 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Teep

Good afternoon.

I have a differential equation of non-integer degree and would like to know if it is possible to express a solution in terms of elementary or special-functions for certain values of the exponent, n>0.

For this equation, Maple provides an analytical solution for the exponent values n=0 and n=1, otherwise, there is no solution returned. I am particularly interested in the cases where n=1/2, 3/2, 2, 5/2, and 3

I am hoping that someone can help me resolve this - if a closed-form solution is not possible, then a numerical solution would also be welcome.

I have provided the details in the attached worksheet.

Thanks for reading!



I am trying to solve a polynomial equation but the structure leads Maple to return a trivial solution and the other solutions are given as a RootOf expression. The equation involves a single variable, x, that is raised to a power, b and a multiplier, a (both are positive-valued). Please see attached worksheet.

I have not encountered this before and I cannot find a way to get to an explicit solution. Perhaps it is not possible (?).

Does anybody know how to deal with this? 

Thanks in advance ...


Good day, all.

I would like to explore the structure of the discrete modified form of the logistic equation.

In particular, I wish to plot the logistic-map to investigate the bifurcations of the system.

Is there a routine available in Maple that I can use?

I would like to consider the standard logistic equation with the inclusion of a shape parameter, m, introduced as a power law.

That is:

f(x) = a*x*(1-x^m)

where a > 0 denotes the growth rate, and m > 0  is a shape parameter. I wish to fix the value of a and take m to be the bifurcation parameter (so the logistic map would show m versus x for any given a).

Please note: The standard logistic equation (in discrete form) is given by f(x) = a*x*(1-x)

I would be grateful for any advice and support you can provide and I thank you for taking the time to read this.

Hello all.

I am using a k-means cluster routine to partition a set of points into a fixed number of clusters.

The solution assigns points belong to clusters, and this is given in matrix-form. The attached file gives an example of a simple problem that is concerns two clusters (matrices). The entries of each cluster / matrix represent the coordinates of the points in the plane.

I am looking to ..

1. Isolate and label each cluster solution (there may be up to 10), and 

2. For each matrix / cluster, arrange the entries into separate ordered pairs. 

For example, in this instance, I wish to obtain the following form ..

A: = [[-6.08, 52.99], [-7.26, 55.29], [-6.24, 53.29]]

B: = [[-9.72, 51.46], ... , [-9.81, 53.76]]

I have made several attempts to solve for this, but I simply cannot get the solution to output this form.

Any advise / help you can give will be gratefully received. 

Thanks for reading!

Download MaplePrimes_May_31.mw

Good day. 

I recently constructed a Maple model using an LPSolve routine to solve for a classic factory (Operations Research) assignment problem. Basically, this involves 4 factories that, in any combination, can supply goods and fulfil demand to 10 customers. If any given factory is activated, the model determines what factory should supply what customer so that the weighted-distance is minimized.

However, in addtion to this - I would like to know the quantity of items that each factory supplies to each of their respective customers and I would like to verify that the quantity demanded by each customer is fulfilled. 

I was hoping that somebody could guide me on how to do this. Any suggestions would be most welcomed.

The model is attached.

Thanks for reading!


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