
195 Reputation

5 Badges

16 years, 191 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Teep

I would like to extract the x and y values from a list containing ordered pairs, [x,y], and display as a list.

For example, given 

  A:= [ [4,2], [9,1], [6,8] ] 

how can I obtain 

 X:=[4,9,6] and Y:=[2,1,8] 

using a simple command?

Thank you!

Good day.

My question involves a set of prescribed points in the Cartesian plane. The x and y ranges are fixed. The points are connected by (imaginary) horizontal and vertical lines to produce a fixed number of blocks / grids.

An example is given in the attached file.  Grid_Example.mw

Now, I wish to reduce the intervals between these points by a scaling factor, n, so as to generate more blocks within the plane that is constrained by the x and y-ranges.

In doing so, I need to find the (x,y)-location of these points in the plane and it would also be great if I could obtain a simple plot.  

As I have several scaling factors to investigate, I was hoping someone may be able to guide me towards a simple routine to help obtain these solutions.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to read this.


I can display an animated plot of the Normal distribution pdf and was wondering if anybody has a routine to animate the Normal cdf. If this is so - is it possible to generalise for any continuous statistical distribution?

Thanks for reading! 


This is a problem that intrigues me.

I have been thinking about the distribution of n points, p[1], p[2], ..., p[n] in a scatterplot and I am interested in finding the location of a focal point, A, such that the distance from A to each neighboring point is a minimum. I have worked on a routine and this is given in the attached worksheet. In this example, n=20 and the position of A is determined to be [-3.25, 0.99].

Now - here's my question. Suppose I am interested in n-large and, instead of locating one focal point, A, I wish to obtain several,i.e. A, B, C, etc. such that the distances from each of these to their respective neighboring points is also a minimum.

Does any interested party know if this is possible to do and if so, can anyone suggest an approach or routine? If so, I'd be delighted to understand how to solve for this.

Thank you for reading!




Hello interested parties!

I wish to measure the distance between points in the Cartesian plane and then export the results to Excel using a data frame routine. For the sake of example: suppose there are 2 points, A and B and 6 more points, a,b,c,d,e and f whose coordinates are known.

I am interested in measuring the distance from A to a, b, c, d, e, f and from B to a, b, c, d, e, f. So, a matrix is constructed (see attached) giving the linear separation between eack of the 8 points ... and that's ok. 

However, instead of six points of interest, suppose that the number of points becomes very large (e.g. 1,000) and I still need to export to Excel.

Does anyone know of an efficient routine that produces a rectangular matrix to produce a 2 x 6 data frame so that, in the case of large-scale problems the data frame is not overburdened?

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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