
530 Reputation

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8 years, 138 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Zeineb


Thank you, 
In the system of equations A , B and C must be replaced by A(t), B(t) and C(t) 
because they unknown functions 

I run the same code I get 
Error, (in ODEtools/ODESolStruc/info) incorrect ODESolStruc: expected 1 old dependent variable in the 2nd set of transformation equations; received: 0

I have 8 unknows functions, \Zeta_i(t,x,y,z), i=0,1,2,3 and A(t), B(t), C(t), \psi(t,x,y,z)

Thank you for your help 


The difference equation is the first equation in the maple code : system defined at three different times (n+1), n and n-1 



thank you


I think everything is well now, in my code. 



In the definition of beta_1 the loop from 1 to q is correct, beta_1 is a coefficient used  in A 

and everything run correctly 


@Carl Love 

so only one i a field, so can not get a homomorphism between them


This means that in geneal case, for a given x,y,z and w , we can always find n, a,b and c solution of the system 

Since we have many choice of x , y, z and we so for each choice we have a solution 

there are infintely many solution of the system 

@Axel Vogt 

But Maple return a zero solution 
Instead of a nonzero solution 

for a fixed x=1, y=1, z=6 and w=-1 we have 

n=4, a=-1, b-0, c=5 

is a solution for this fixed vector defined by x,y,z and w 


Big thanks 


The function f is defined only in the unit ball centered at zero and outside is zero. 
So, we have singularity at zero, and it is integrable in the vicinity of zero since 2< 3 


Using polar coordinate you will integrate over the range [0,1]  the function r^(-2) r^(3-1) =1  and so integrable 

In general case, f(x)=|x|^(-alpha) times indicator of unit ball, is integrable over the unit ball if alpha< dimension of space  ( in our example alpha equal 2 < 3 ), so the function is integrable 


Psi(x,y), theta(x,y) converge to constant constant when y goes to infinity 


All my function are continuous, and the remaining are positve parameter 


Thank you for reading my code, 

Pe is not defined as a function, Pe is a real number, we can replace Pe by Z , 


Thnak you for the idea. 
Using Routh-Hurwitz 'array'  can we solve the system to get the set of values where the roots are in the left half plane.


Thanks for your remarks. 

All parameters are positive in my equation. But, Maybe we can add  a condition so that we can determine or know the sign of the roots of the equation. 

My first goal is to study the stability of a given equilibrium point, so I computed the characteristic equation which contains  many paramters. So, if I know the sign of my roots I can know the nature of my equilibrium point. 

Maybe we can add some condition that gives the sign of the roots 

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