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14 years, 74 days



MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ali_hassani

Dear All



I want to solve a non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation by Maple 15.



I tried solving that by issuing the following commands; however I could not.



> Digits:=40:


Dear All


I have a question about Maple 16.

Does Maple 16 is able to use several cores in multi-cores system?

Does Maple 16 is able to execute some common commands such as int, diff, dsolve and solve with capabilities of a multi-cores system?

Dear All


I want to solve a set of two ordinary differential equations by means of Maple. I can not unfortunately perform it as a non-numeric method. It is worth mentioning that by the following commands, Maple returns a solution presented as a DESol form, which is not useful for me. Note that functions C2_U0[i](theta) and C2_V0[i](theta) are obtained in terms of  C1_U0[i](theta) and C1_V0[i](theta) by using boundary conditions bc1_U0[i] and bc1_V0[i...

Dear Kamel Boughrara


I am grateful for your attention to my problem.

I have not the special boundary condition for phi[2](r,theta) and phi[4](r,theta) at this stage of process of solution. In fact, these functions are auxiliary functions to decouple high-coupled another PDEs.

 You tried to explain the stages of solution.  I ask for you to perform (write all requisite commands...


Dear my friends


I have a linear partial differential equation to solve.

> equ1:=F5*(diff(phi[2](r, theta), r, r)+(diff(phi[2](r, theta), r))/r+(diff(phi[2](r, theta), theta, theta))/r^2)+F3*phi[4](r,theta) = 0;

where F5 and F3 is constant and phi[2](r,theta) is unknown function.

I tried to solve this equation by the following Maple's command:

> pdsolve(equ1,phi[2](r,theta));

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