brian bovril

914 Reputation

16 Badges

18 years, 157 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by brian bovril

@SamuelPita well where is the text or .mw file? Solving 5 equations for 5 unknowns should work...

Try substituting sin for "sen".

I saw this problem a while back on but I couldn't understand their explanation.

I like your explantion better.



using the big green arrow. no-one here is masochistic enough to transribe code from a picture.

@vv how did you derive the expressions for R and d?

@Kitonum . Code with annotations too, bonus!

@tomleslie thanks. And vv.

You're out of luck. k=x+e*sin(k) doesn't have a closed form solution in terms of k. If you supply values for e and x, you can find k numerically using fsolve.

@Kitonum and Tom

@mehdibaghaee do you expect someone to copy source code pasted as image? upload a worksheet!

@vv Happy new year to you. I have changed the question slightly to reflect the depot being node 1 not 0. and the customers are 2 to 8.

and a slightly different methodology....But as Carl Love points out, the distance matrix provided violates the triangle inequality: c[1,2]+c[2,8]<c[1,8], so it may not be salvagable.

@Carl Love when the facts spoil a good story. I found the matrix after trawling the internet for VRP questions (and answers)

@tomleslie why it works.......magic? But then i encountered a problem with a imported distance matrix...

@Markiyan Hirnyk a forum about maths, not English. Why don't you lookup "pedantry".

@vv thanks for your erudite solution. I like the way you dealt with the Y[ i<>j] constraint. I'll try and apply your method to a VRP....

@Christopher2222 what I wanted, thanks. The link you found contains some good information. It's a pity such a lot of interesting material is "buried" beneath an ambiguous title (virtually unsearchable). Hopefully this polemic will inspire improvement of the search engine by the powers that be.

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