
55 Reputation

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5 years, 316 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by dingtianlidi


Friends, as above in the picture,I want T to differentiate diff(x,t),taken diff(x,t) as a variable.

The answer is m*diff(x,t)+m__1/2 

Is there any way to do that? Substitute diff(x,t) with another variable and then substitute back isn't convenient.


Hello,friends.I want to know is there any maple command that can change the order of integral?I searched the Student package and the DEtools,can not find it.

for instance,there is an integral 


it first integral y then integral x.I want the integral order be x then y. I appreciate your help!



I try to calculate the limit of the function, 

sin(x*sin(1/x))/(x*sin(1/x))  at point x=0,maple gives answer:1

However,actually it does not have a limit at x=0,because for the limit to exist at a point,there needs to exist a neighbourhood at the point so that all x in the neighbour have definition.

It means f(x) should have have definition at point x=0's negihbourhood,however small the neighbourhood is.If I choose x=1/(n*Pi), n belongs to integers,the function doesn't have definition.As n increase,there doesn't exist such a neighbourhood.So is it something maple should correct?




   Dear friends,on the left I created two Tasks named a and aa.However,I do not know how to delete these two Tasks.Then I refer to the help pages below.

The text I marked says I should enter full filename.I do not know the fullfile name of customized Tasks.So does anyone know how to delete them?


Dear Sir(Madam) 

I plot a spacecurve,which is an intersection of two surface,x+y+z=5 and x*y+y*z+z*x=0.The curve is shown below.

Then I want the curve's color changes accroding to the value of x*y*z.From the help page,I learn that the colorscheme option can make the color of different parts of a surface change accroding to the value of an user given function.However,it does not apply to all Plots' package command.You need to use the display command,colorscheme option with the option "overrideoptions",to force the graph's color to changed to desired.

P1 is the graph of the curve.

The first code works well,it is just a test.


The second code fail to chage color(In my document,I use 2-D Math Input,following the example)

display(P1, colorscheme = ["xyzcoloring", proc (x, y, z) options operator, arrow; x*y*z end proc], overrideoptions)

This is the trouble I encountered.So,please help me use this option correctly,or is there any other way to achieve my goal?

Thank you in advance.

The file here.


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