
290 Reputation

14 Badges

15 years, 358 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by icegood

How do i properly export textof function via interface(verboseproc=2)+print(smth) for father rewritting for own needs?

I mean with formatting as print do itself? fsolve test


fsolve((a^2-1)/a, fulldigits, -4..4, a=9.0)

say that ' a=9.0' is invalid range?


P.S. If answer exist it also should work with avoid option.

P.P.S. Arguments processing of fsolve is terrible. After formatting and trying to understand eval(fsolve) my brain blows up. Why maple has no universal argument processing utilite avoiding dozenz of 'ifs'?

Code must not work in such way. See attach.

After many calculations tried to run eval(exp). Was  in shock :( Big table used. Is there smth like forget(all) to forget all functions. After forget(exp) memory of course lowers enought.

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