
385 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 107 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jalal

Hello, I'm trying to automate a series of priority calculation exercises. I have a problem with the "/" and " " division symbols. The "Parse" command only accepts "/" .Thanks for your insights


Hi, how can I apply classic geometric transformations (rotation, scaling, reflection, etc.) to an imported photo? For example, with this image


Hi, I'm looking to create a series of random exercises on square roots for my students with two objectives: Simplify square roots and rationalize the denominator. Here's my scenario: I'm using the properties of the table to display the question and its solution, and generate a PDF with a good layout. I have two issues with the code: I don't want to display the '*' symbol when using "Parse" for "ex1" and "ex2," and I want only one denominator to be displayed for "Sol2." Thank you very much for your insights




How to generate a random operation from [+,x,-]?



I am looking for a simple code to generate random magic squares (with the sum of integers) of dimensions 4x4 or 5x5.

Thank you

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