
385 Reputation

6 Badges

9 years, 107 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by jalal


I am looking for a code to randomly generate 10 equations (powers and radicals) of this type. Any ideas? Thank you.

Hi, I'm looking to create a discovery activity to introduce the cosine . Any ideas for using Maple components with a slider to vary the position of a point on a line while displaying distances and their ratios? Thank you



How can one obtain the principal measurement of an angle (which belongs to the interval ]-π;π]?

Thank you


Hi,I am looking to create an exercise involving the pairing of 'expressions-figures,' and I want to keep the names f(x), g(x), h(x), and i(x) fixed, with the expressions randomly shuffling. Thank you for your guidance



How to generate different letters? I've tried the 'exclude' option, which doesn't work in this context. Thank you.QuestionAlphabet.mw

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