
135 Reputation

5 Badges

9 years, 156 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by minhhieuh2003

How to convert expression below to LaTex:  $\lim _{x \rightarrow 2} \frac{2}{x+3}$

And How to convert expression below to LaTex:  $\int_{2}^{3} \frac{1}{x^{2}+2} d x$

file test: newLaTex.mw

How can type limit proc() and use print to export expression as mathtype?



limit((x^2-4)/(x+2), x = -2)



"hs:=proc()  pd:=(``lim)((x^(2)-4)/(x-2));  end:"

Error, invalid underscript

"hs:=proc()  pd:=(``lim)((x^2-4)/(x-2));  end:"




Download help_limit.mw


Can you help me

myproc := proc () local img1, img2, img3;

with(DocumentTools); with(DocumentTools:-Layout);

img1 := "c:\\1.jpg"; img2 := "c:\\2.jpg"; img3 := "c:\\3.jpg";

print("Title 1 row 1, picture 1"); print(img1); print("Title 2 row 2, picture 2");

print(img2); print("Title 3 row 3, picture 3"); print(img3);

print("The End");

end proc


myproc := proc () local img1, img2, img3; with(DocumentTools); with(DocumentTools:-Layout); img1 := "c:\\1.jpg"; img2 := "c:\\2.jpg"; img3 := "c:\\3.jpg"; print("Title 1 row 1, picture 1"); print(img1); print("Title 2 row 2, picture 2"); print(img2); print("Title 3 row 3, picture 3"); print(img3); print("The End") end proc:



Download insert_picture.mw

print monitor



eq := solve({2*m-5 < 0, -3*m <= 5}, {m})

{-5/3 <= m, m < 5/2}


" implies result list m  in  `&Zopf;`, so m can m=0, m=1, m=2 and count=3"``

count := 0:

countt = 4





eq := solve({m-3 < 0, -m <= 6}, {m})

{-6 <= m, m < 3}


" implies result list m  in  `&Zopf;`, so m can m=-6, m=-5, m=-4, m=-3, m=-2, m=-1, m=0, m=1, m=2 and count=3"

count := 0:

countt = 9



i want to list variable m in integer number from solve?

Can you help me?


@Carl Love

Download help_list_integer_equation.mw



display(line([.8, 0], [1, .2], color = red), line([.6, 0], [1, .4], color = red), line([.4, 0], [1, .6], color = red), line([.2, 0], [1, .8], color = red), line([0, 0], [1, 1], color = red), line([0, .2], [.8, 1], color = red), line([0, .4], [.6, 1], color = red), line([0, .6], [.4, 1], color = red), line([0, .8], [.2, 1], color = red), rectangle([0, 1], [1, 0], color = red, transparency = .5, thickness = 1), axes = none)

how can type print display by for ?

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