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9 years, 147 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by minhhieuh2003

Please help me

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I can type expression below:

s1 := sqrt(2);
map(op, indets(s1, sqrt));
                             /   1\ 
                            { 2, - }
                             \   2/ 
s2 := log[2](3);
map(op, indets(s2, ln));

And expression above is error
Error, type `ln` does not exist

Can you help me?


map(op, indets(s3, surd)); --> { } 



s1 := sqrt(2)



map(op, indets(s1, sqrt))

{2, 1/2}


s2 := log[2](3)



map(op, indets(s2, log))

Error, type `log` does not exist


s3 := surd(2, 3)



map(op, indets(s3, surd))





Download help_map_indets.mw

Help create file Excel in ExcelTools, but error row 564?


Please help me? 

I have this equation but maple solve root is 2


Root is 4 x1 =1, x2= 8.95006470,

x3 =0 .6939575785

x4 = -0.6440222825



socau := proc (sc) local sccl, sccl2, sccl3, nhanbiet, n, td, ii, t, nhanbiet1, kk, bnb, thonghieu, n2, thonghieu2, bth, vandung, n3, vandung3, bvd, bang1; sccl := round((2/5)*sc); sccl2 := round((2/5)*sc); sccl3 := round((1/5)*sc); nhanbiet := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; n := nops(nhanbiet); td := rand(0. .. 1.00); for ii to n do t := trunc(n*td()+1); nhanbiet1[ii] := nhanbiet[t]; nhanbiet[t] := nhanbiet[n]; n := n-1 end do; for kk to sccl do bnb[kk] := nhanbiet1[kk] end do; print(nhanbiet1); print(bnb); thonghieu := [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; n2 := nops(thonghieu); td := rand(0. .. 1.00); for ii to n2 do t := trunc(n2*td()+1); thonghieu2[ii] := thonghieu[t]; thonghieu[t] := thonghieu[n2]; n2 := n2-1 end do; for kk to sccl2 do bth[kk] := thonghieu2[kk] end do; print(thonghieu2); print(bth) end proc:




Parse:-ConvertTo1D, "invalid left hand side of multiple assignment"

with result bc :=[result bnb and bth]

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please help me



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