
90 Reputation

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2 years, 250 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by mvms271091

Consider the following code:

van_der_Waals := (p + a / V[m]^2) * (V[m] - b) = R * T:

The objective of the exercise is express the equation in a cubic form. Obvious solution is to take the output of the code above and multiplie both sides by V[m]^2. However, I would like to know if there exists a different aproach to get the same result.

How can I write a decimal number with period in maple? For example, in the following code;

number := 3.123123123123:
convert(number, rational);

I got 1040 / 333. However if number := 3.123123 then output is 76123 / 24374, so, in order to solve the exercise assign to the variable number a value of 3.123123123123123123123123123... How can I do it in abreviate form?

simplify is a procedure in Maple that have as parameter an assumption ¿Have the assumption a default value? For example, if we consider the following code:

f:= (x^3 - 27) / (x^2 - 3 * x):
print(f = simplify(f));

The output of that code assume that denominator is not zero, so I think the procedure have a default value for assume parameter.

University of Costa Rica     

Course: SP-1493

Student: Lic. Marcus Vinicio Mora Salas

Instructor: Dr. Erick Castellón Elizondo


Assigment 7





Express sin(theta) in terms of

i)   cos(theta), and

ii)  tan(theta), and

iii)  cot(theta);

the latter part is more difficult than the preceding two parts.  Each square root that appears is assumed to include both positive and negative roots; for arbitrary angle theta, the sign of the root is given by the quadrant of the angle.  Test your results with a numerical value of theta. In an analogous manner, each circular trigonometric function is expressible in terms of any other circular trigonometric function, but possible ambiguity of signs of square roots exists.   

eq := [sin(theta)^2 + cos(theta)^2 - 1,

Error, invalid input: convert expects its 2nd argument, form, to be of type name, but received -sin(theta)




In this question I have to do what I said in the title. Really I don't understand the question very well, or at least I don't understand the objetive, because if I use solve I get an error and if I use isolate I only can get sin in terms of cos and even wen I could get all answer, I needed a starting point, it's say an identity to solve the exercise. Therefore, my question is, Maple have some comand to express trigonometric functions in terms of another without introducing identities?

I drew a methane molecula and display three times because I wanted to get two-fold and three-fold symmetry axis. ,I would is that I would like to get a more exact output and doing it without clicking, it's say, using code. Can someone help me?

University of Costa Rica 

Course: SP-1493

Student: Lic. Marcus Vinicio Mora Salas

Instructor: Dr. Erick Castellón Elizondo





In this assigment exercises e2.113,  e2.114, e2.115 and e2.117 was solved.











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