rameen hamood

30 Reputation

4 Badges

5 years, 100 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by rameen hamood

Find x182 given that




xn= (1/6)*(sqrt(4+x(n-1))/(x(n-2))


and enter your answer correct to 10 significant figures in the box below.

To check that your calculations are correct, you should be able to calculate that  x93 is approximately 0.1348891.

[Note that you should do your calculations correct to 10 significant figures. Use ]


     x182=    Preview Change entry mode  

The terms of a sequence an are generated by the recurrence relation

a(n+1)=a(n)−2a(n−1)+a(n−2) for n=3,4,5,...


Using your Maple worksheet, write a for loop to find the value of a50 given that

a1=2,a2=-1 and a3=0


Copy (Ctrl-C) the correct value of a50 from your Maple worksheet and paste (Crtl-V) it in th answer box.

Preview Change entry mode 



 Suppose that A is an m×n real matrix. The function TA:ℝn→ℝm   defined by

TA(x)=Ax,  for all 𝕩∈ℝn

     is a linear transformation.

let A=<< 87, -66, -90, 12, 48>|<-36, -40, -82, -54, 15>|<99, 79, 76, -31, 27>|<-69, 15, -10, 45, -9>>

and x= <9,-4,2,-17>.

Then TA(x)=   Preview   

   Alternatively, you can copy your answer from your Maple worksheet and paste it to the answer box.


(b) Suppose now that the linear map T:ℝ2→ℝ3  is defined by, for all 𝕩=(x1,x2)∈ℝ2

 T(x)=  <<x1+6x2>|<−2x2>|<−4x1+2x2>>


     Enter the matrix M , in Maple syntax, in the box below such that T(x)=Mx  for all x∈ℝ2,  

  M=    Preview   


Can someone pls help me with this question. TIA.




Suppose that S={u1,u2,u3,u4}⊂ℝ5  where


u2=< -163, 171, 218, -92>

u3=< -287, 73, -284, -115>

u4=<-32, 172, 206, -180>

v=< 761, -1381, 7566, 3492>

The vector v  is in the span of S  written in the form


αu1+βu2+γu3+δu4 .


Find a possible set of values for α, β, γ, δ.  Enter the values of α, β, γ, δ  as a sequence in the box below


Suppose that 

u1=<388, -635, -480, 554, -288, 732, -118>

u2=< -987, 789, 487, -919, 248, 994, -807>

u3=-316, -470, -522, -769, -159, 629, 806>

u4=<381, 740, -834, 722, -46, 49, 795>


Suppose that Av=(b1  b2  ⋯  b7)^T .

       Enter the value of b1  in the box below.


Can anyone help with this question with a step by step solution. TIA.


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