
30 Reputation

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9 years, 48 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by spalinowy

Hello everyone

I need help solving a system of equations as below. I'm looking for a way to do it, but I don't understand the general concept of how such an equation is calculated. So far I've been using a package in LabVIEW that worked similarly to Simulink and that was clear to me, whereas here I'm overwhelmed by the multitude of options and that's why I'm asking for help.

I need to solve these equations analogously to Matlab-Simulink, i.e., a time interval and integration step, and a numerical procedure in symbolic versions.

Hello everyone!
Can you help me with my problem?
How can I automatically paste parts of denominator from one equations to another? Now I must do this manualy. Example of my problem is in file2.


I need help, because I can't find solution.
How can I export data from Bode Plot to Excel? Two below solutions don't work.



T2 := TransferFunction((1.224867518*10^(-7)*s+2.259345677*10^(-6))/(s^2+11.83692270*s+238.3951363)):

BP2 := BodePlot(T2);

ExcelTools:-Export(op([1, 1], BP2));

Export(BP2, "Employees13.xls", "Payroll1", "B2");


how to calculate the laplace transform for the following equations?

L1:=laplace(psi1(t)*(diff(z1(t), t)), t, s):
L2:=laplace((diff(psi1(t), t))^2, t, s):


Hello everyone!

how to solve system of 5 equations like as in attachment, but much more faster?

I tried to do this on my computer (CPU 8 Core 3,4 GHz, RAM DDR3 2x8 GB, SSD) but after 12 hour my computer doesn't respond.

What I can do if I don't have a supercomputer?

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