I don't know what the heck is going on here
but when I try to enter the correct return,
only the -1 shows and the rest is deleted. A
bug in this program??? So I'll try it verbally
the return is minus one is less than x which is
less than one, and minus the square root of the
quantity one minus x squared is less than y
which is less than the square root of one
minus x squared.
For some reason using the keyboard less than
sign in my previous attempts just wipes out the
rest of the expression! I don't have a clue as
to what is going on here. I will now again type in
minus one less than x which is less than 1
using the less than sign and see what shows up
in the post: -1
I don't know what the heck is going on here
but when I try to enter the correct return,
only the -1 shows and the rest is deleted. A
bug in this program??? So I'll try it verbally
the return is minus one is less than x which is
less than one, and minus the square root of the
quantity one minus x squared is less than y
which is less than the square root of one
minus x squared.
For some reason using the keyboard less than
sign in my previous attempts just wipes out the
rest of the expression! I don't have a clue as
to what is going on here. I will now again type in
minus one less than x which is less than 1
using the less than sign and see what shows up
in the post: -1
Once in a while I ask a question that raises
considerably more questions, at least in my
mind, and questioning what is unassigned er, um, \
I mean unapplied was a question I should not
have asked. The difference between assign or
apply? Beats me. But what I did learn is thata
according to Lambda Calculus something is unapplied
when a function is generated. Then after a google
search I learned that lambda calculus is the
commonly accepted basis of functional programming
languages. So I guess that if you are an ace
programmer, the term makes sense but for the other
99% of the people that use Maple a more logical
command name would have been helpful, but is it
what it is, and now I understand why it is what
it is and can move on to other things. Thanks.
Once in a while I ask a question that raises
considerably more questions, at least in my
mind, and questioning what is unassigned er, um, \
I mean unapplied was a question I should not
have asked. The difference between assign or
apply? Beats me. But what I did learn is thata
according to Lambda Calculus something is unapplied
when a function is generated. Then after a google
search I learned that lambda calculus is the
commonly accepted basis of functional programming
languages. So I guess that if you are an ace
programmer, the term makes sense but for the other
99% of the people that use Maple a more logical
command name would have been helpful, but is it
what it is, and now I understand why it is what
it is and can move on to other things. Thanks.
Good information but does that mean that
something somewhere was unapplied as the term
implies? I suspect not. Thanks.
Good information but does that mean that
something somewhere was unapplied as the term
implies? I suspect not. Thanks.
You have shown me the usefulness of the RootOf
expression for solving values of x for given
values of t and shown the plot of f(x) and it's
inverse g(t) thus x values can be determined for
t values without an expression other than the
RootOf expression and I guess an explicit
expression of x as a function of t is not
possible which is what I think Acer was trying
to tell me. One last question. Acer mentioned
the terms "closed form solution." Could someone
define that for me in easy to understand terms
with a simple example please. Thank you.