Maple 17 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 17

I wrote the following orders

gem_decl_vars(indeps=[t,x], deps=[u(t,x)]);

CL_multipliers, mindim=1)

in maple 17, but the program cannot calculate and gives me an error. Does anyone help me to solve this problem.



Dear all
Dear all, is  there any Maple code available to solve the heat  two dimensional heat equations using Rk4. The second derivative will be replaced using Finite difference, so that we get a linear system of odes.  
Thank you for any help 


I have created a procedure for the so-called "Chaos Game" for the generation of Fractals. The file is the following:

On the other hand, for a given day set D:={(x0,y0,(x1,y1),...., (xN,yN)}, for simplicity we assume D is contained in [0,1]x[0,1], one can to construct an "Iterated Functions System" such that its attractor set contains the set D. A detailed exposition of this topic can be found in the famous Barnsley's book "Fractals Everywhere". Also, in the following paper (sections 2.5 and 4-A):

I have tried to implement in Maple 17 a procedure to create such Iterated Function System:

But, I feel that there is something wrong...After plot (with the Chaos Game procedure) a lot of points of the Iterated Functions System (i.e., an approximation of its attractor set), I have a "set of points", instead of a figure similar to a curve (which I feel that must be the correct).

Please, Somebody can have a look to the attached files?

Many thanks in advance for your comments.

How to solve these systems of BVP and obtain values for gamma term.

Dear all

I have a second order PDE, i used pdesolve but no solution obtained, why?




 Pictures on the theme of Klein bottle.  Wikipedia article

A manipulator, in which 3 degrees of freedom are provided by changing the length of the links and one degree of freedom, is provided by turning. Only 4 degrees of freedom. Solved using Draghilev's method. In one case, the length of the manipulator link could be expressed through the value of the 3rd coordinate. The lengths of the other two links are considered generalized coordinates. In this case, it is still obtained polynomial equations, as for the usual coordinates.
I was asked to make an example of the movement of such a manipulator using Maple. (Automatically, this is an example of solving an inverse kinematics problem.)

Hi friends, I have a problem. From a given number 'k' I want to generate a string 's' with the first naturals before the number k. Like this:

k := 5;

s := "01234";

I want to use the above in the following command:


Thank you.


Hi friends, I have a set of polynomials, 'a', and I want to calculate the product of all possible combinations by taking 3 elements at a time. Like this:

a := {x+1,x+2,x^2+1,x^2+x+2}

I have a larger 'a' set so I was looking for a simple method to perform these operations.
Thank you.

Please help to solve the equation 

Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/ .



I am a research scholar in mathematics

I am currently working on fluid mechanics

I wish to obtain the solution given in the research article

I am uploading the pdf containing problem.

In the paper they mentioned that " Shooting method" is used.

Please anyone help me regarding this topic

File : 1.pdf

Thank you

How to obtain a dual branch solution in Maple.

Is there any specific method is there to get these type of solutions.

I have attached the document.

Link [copyright material removed by moderator]

Thank you.

Hi sir, I hope everyone are good in Covid situation.

I wish to obtain the dual branch solution as given in the Article.

Please help me to obtain the dual branch solution in Maple.

The article is here. akbar2014_(1).pdf

Thank you..


Assume we have the following mappings:


f[1] := proc (x) options operator, arrow; piecewise(0 <= t and t <= 1/2, (1/2)*x(2*t), 1/2 < t and t <= 1, (1/2)*x(2*t-1)+1/2) end proc


f[2] := proc (x) options operator, arrow; t*x(t) end proc


 Note that the argument are mappings (i.e, x(t) is a continuous function defined on [0,1]). Given an array with values in {1,2}, for instance [1,1,2],and a function h (say, h:=t->t) How can we define the composition mapping f[1]f[1]f[2](h)?

In general, I want to plot the composition mapping f[i1]f[i2]...f[iN](h), i1,i2,...,iN being 1 or 2 and h a given continuous function defined on [0,1]


Many thanks in advance for your comments.



Nothing special, just out of boredom.
Learned about the existence of multifocal ellipses. I stopped at the option with 5 focuses and made the corresponding equation, when the sum of the distances from each point of the ellipse to these five points is constant. If we try to get rid of the radicals, we get an equation whose graph will contain branches that do not meet the condition of the constancy of the sum of the distances from points on the curve to our 5 fixed points. In my case (as usual) Draghilev's method is used to show that each point on the curve is at a fixed distance from 5 stationary points.
Is there a mathematical way to show the same thing? I think not, maybe some other numerical method. So then: is there an easier way? It is clear that the number of focuses can be larger.

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