Maple 2019 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2019

I googled, read help and not able to find how to do this. 

I want to change the zoom in worksheet to any value I want, and not just 100%,150%,75%, etc.... which are the values that are listed in View->Zoom factor.

Is there a place one can type in the zoom value they want? Say 110% or any other number?

windows 10.

Thank you

I read a string from file which contains a sequence of Maple commands, all in one string. The commands are separated by ";" in the string. I need to then evaluate all the commands in the string as if I typed them one after the other. 

Here is an example

data:="x:='x';y:='y';sol:=dsolve(diff(y(x),x)=1,y(x));"; #read from database

Warning, extra characters at end of parsed string
x := 'x'

I want the result to parse to be as if I typed


I looked at help in parse page, but I do not see what I need to do. It says that 

If the option 'statement' is specified, the string must consist of exactly one Maple statement (which includes expressions). The statement is parsed and evaluated, and the result is returned.

But I am not using the statment option. I also tried using this option, no change, same problem.

Is there a way to prase such a string? 



Is this documenation wrong?

It says that calling sequence is 

     FetchRow( statement, column, valuetype  )

But below it only shows 



prepared statement obtained using Prepare command



type of the output data, default is "auto"


With no column anywhere.  And none of examples show column in them.

And when I tried it by adding a column name that I know exist in my sqlite3 database, Maple gave an error that no such parameter allowed.  

Does FetchRow support column name or is the above just a documenation error?

Maple 2019


I have noticed a few times now with Maple 2019. It looses kernel connection when it is sitting there idly. This time I observed it. Had saved a document after an intensive calculation. The memory used was about 30Gig. shortly after saving the cpu fan was running hard. I checked task manager and cpu was cycling to 100%, it was mserever. Then the memory usage droped to about 6gig and message as shown. During this time Maple screen down in the LH corner displayed "Ready", so it didn't think it was doing anything.

My code below works but I an looking to speed it up to apply to large arrays. I have large integers and I want to store the exponent and first and last few digits.

nelems := 10;  ~ takes about 50mins when n=100,000,000
n := 374894756873546859847556;
A := Array(1 .. 4, 1 .. nelems);
st := time();
for i to nelems do
    A[1, i] := i^10*n;
    A[2, i] := length(A[1, i]) - 1;
    b := convert(A[1, i], string);
    A[3, i] := parse(b[1 .. 3]);
    A[4, i] := parse(b[-3 .. -1]);
end do;
time() - st;
A[1, -2];
A[2, -2];
A[3, -2];
A[4, -2];



How I can take variation from left-hand side of  5, and reach to right-hand side of  5. After by using integral by part obtained  7?

Thank you


I´a currently making a school assigment, but i can´t get maple plots to combine the graphs i plot, when i plot multiple plots. (see picture) (the code is in the bottom of the question)

as you can see the green and yellow grafh won´t combine. I have tried google but couldn´t find any anserws that worked.
Hope someone can help me!
with(plots); with(Plot);
a := plot(4, x = 0 .. .25, color = red, view = [0 .. .25, 0 .. 5]);
b := plot(1/x, x = .25 .. 1.101, color = blue, view = [.25 .. 1.101, 0 .. 5]);
c := plot(-(1/12)*x+1, x = 1.01 .. 6, color = yellow, view = [1.101 .. 6, 0 .. 5]);
d := plot(.5+sqrt(x-5), x = 6 .. 20, color = green, view = [6 .. 20, 0 .. 5]);
e := plot(1.15*sqrt(x-7), x = 7 .. 20, color = pink, view = [7 .. 20, 0 .. 5]);
display(a, b, c, d, e);

Hello Maple experts;

I am not able to understand why Maple 2019 can solve Laplace PDE in 2D Catersian on semi-infinite domain, when the infinity is along the Y direction, but not along the X direction, since the solution method is exactly the same.

Here is the code


#right one, Maple can not solve
pde := diff(u(x, y), x$2)+diff(u(x, y), y$2) = 0:
bc_left_edge := u(0, y) = 0:
bc_bottom_edge:= u(x, 0) = 0:
bc_top_edge:= u(x, 1) = A:
bc:=bc_left_edge ,bc_top_edge,bc_bottom_edge:
sol:=pdsolve([pde, bc],HINT = boundedseries(x = infinity)) assuming x>0,y>0;

#left one, Maple can solve
pde := diff(u(x, y), x$2)+diff(u(x, y), y$2) = 0:
bc_left_edge := u(0, y) = 0:
bc_bottom_edge:= u(x, 0) = 0:
bc_right_edge:= u(1, y) = A:
bc:=bc_left_edge ,bc_right_edge,bc_bottom_edge:
sol:=pdsolve([pde, bc],HINT = boundedseries(y = infinity)) assuming x>0,y>0;

Here is screen shot.

Maple can solve both cases if I remove the HINT. But the solution it gives is not as simple as using the HINT and contains unknown constants (_C5) that is why I use the HINT.