MaplePrimes Questions

Why lhs cannot be resolved? Well, it can be, in fact, if the interval is t=0..0.03, say, but I need to use t=0..infinity, or t=0..smthbigenough. Thanks.

fsolve(1-erfc((1/2)*sqrt(2)*sqrt(t)) = 0.5e-1, t, t = 0 .. infinity) = fsolve(1-erfc((1/2)*sqrt(2)*sqrt(t)) = 0.5e-1)


It is very stranger that these two statements are not equative:





I think the first one is correct. In fact, the exact result is

 2*hypergeom([1/4, 1/2, 1, 1], [3/4, 5/4, 5/4], -1);

u can evalf the above answer to check it. In fact, Maple cannot get this analytic answer, how do I get it?


      i have a presentation in recent days.  in this presentation i need copy some formula result in maple to Powerponit. But when i copy formula directly, it shows discorder code in Powerpoint.

    so does anyone has good method?

   thanks very much!                             

Solve differential equations using type=series option. How can I judge the series is convergent? Can I obtain the expression of general term?


If I try this



solve({1*x+(1/2)*y+(1/6)*z =1,(1/2)*x+(1/6)*y+(1/24)*z =0,(1/6)*x+(1/24)*y+(1/120)*z =1}, {x,y,z} );

Maple 11 gives me the answer {x=63, y=-384, z=780}

However the book mathematical problem solving with computers (2002) maple 5.3 gives an answer of

{x=39, y=-216, z=420}

My algorithm counting the number of data points between consequitive positive integers in a list seems to be very slow. I suspect there may be a considerable improvement - please help see how to achieve it. If it can be done faster with zeros only, let it be so. See Thanks.



I have a very complicated equation ;) 7x = 14. I would like the output to be x = 14/7

Help tells me that the function "isolate" will do this. In fact it gives me an example


with the output being sin(x) = 3/4x

Perfect! so I try isolate(7*x = 14, x);

I have an animation in Maple that I wanted to email a friend without Maple.  Is it possible to export Maple Animations as a video file??

Hi guys, is it possible to output images in maple using maplets. So having a form, with a picture in the middle, and an exit button below the picture?

Hello, I am new in maple and I have maple 9. And I want to download some packages, like Statistics or ArrayTools, but I don't where I can find them. Could you help for me?

And another question. I had to rewrite program from matlab to maple. And there is function randn('state',100) in Matlab. It generates random numbers, but they always are the same. So could you tell me if there is a similar function in maple?

Thank you, sorry for my english language and silly questions :)


If I have this dependant variables u which depend on (x & y)  if I want to differentiate u with respect to x I have to write diff(u(x,y),x).

Now how to tell maple in on time that every u is a function of (x & y), hence I need to write just diff(u,x).


With many thanks in advance

I don't have much knowleged about Maple but following the help I was hoping I could solve the system of equations below. Any help is appreciated:

System of equations:

I'm going through what I appears to be a rite of passage for anyone who wants to call themselves physicists right now.  The infamous John David Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics".


I'm going through a solution to a problem that I found but have trouble understanding the last step of the solution for 9.8.  It's the integral involving the value (n.p)(nxp*), and how the author handles that integration and this vector quantity. The integral is over all solid angles.

When the parameter of the Poisson distribution is less than

Statistics:-Sample(RandomVariable(Poisson(10^(-307))), 1)

or greater than

Statistics:-Sample(RandomVariable(Poisson(10^6)), 1),

error NE_REAL_ARG_LE or NE_REAL_ARG_GT appear, respectively.

Is there any way to remove or redefine these restrictions? Thanks.

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