Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

Interesting behavior!!

> restart
> N := 150; L := LinearAlgebra[RandomVector](N);


> st := time(); for j to 10^4 do ArrayTools[SearchArray](`~`[`=`](L, max(L))) end do; time()-st;



I have a strange issue:   I have a procedure with signum, square roots, I and float numbers. First I optimize it and then compile.  (or just run compile with option optimize=true).  As a result I get a error:

Error, (in TargetLanguageTools:-GetExprType) Analysis is not a command in the _EnvCGEngine package

Trying to understand, what is happening, I manually copy-paste the optimised procedure to the argument of compile. Then it works!!!



Is there a way to generate Java or C code to implement a general nth order linear ordinary differential equation?

I am looking to be able to send the coefficients and have it compute the time waveform given initial conditions.



I wish to use the 'Numeric Formatting' feature on some results in Maple, to show the correct significant figures in the results. But when I apply Numeric Formatting to any result, the decimal seperator changes from the usual dot (.) to a comma (,). How can I keep the dot as decimal seperator while applying the correct significant figures?






Hi, I would like to label curves on a plot but using horizontal text looks really bad.  I would like to use verical text labels or even text labels that follow the curves.  It this possible in Maple?  I have tried rotate with textplot but that only rotates the point and not the text.  Any ideas would be great! Thanks.

A simple timing program

for i to 35 do
end do;

On M16 seems to display after 7 seconds, the time reads 0.010
On M12 it displays in roughly 2 seconds with the time as 0.170

It is physically longer with M16.  Do others get the same results?

**edit add**
No comments?  I should add that it is a laptop 1.4Ghz single core.  Not that it matters but maybe M16 is set up to work more efficiently...

With the command, subpicture,I take the portion of it that interests me.
How I manage to include this sub-image in another image (img)?


imgs := GetSubImage(correctedT, 100, 125, 20, 120)

I’ve created a basic model of a two-lane road.

i am looking for a command adjoint a ODE, to check whether my understanding of adjoint correct or not, when i find one example different from my understanding as follows

u*diff(Y,t) - diff(U,t) + diff(y,t)*U = 0 where uppercase and lowercase are different

why after adjoint is

Y -> -u*diff(lambda,t) - diff(u,t)*lambda = miu1
U -> diff(lambda,t) + diff(y,t)*lambda = miu2

why not

Y -> u*diff(lambda,t) = miu1
U -> -diff(lambda,t) + diff(y,t)*lambda = miu2

I installed Maple 15 for windows 64 bit on my pc but I have a problem with worksheet in its.

Worksheet isnt on my software.



u''-w^2+Eu^2=0,           u(0)=A,  u'(0)=0

How can I solve this question the variational iteration method with maple.please help me!


if I have two partition Pi and Pi 'I want to know the decomposition of Pi' 

Attached are results I obtained in MAPLE 12.  Can anyone explain the contradiction?

In short, if I sum from n = 0 to some integer I get a FALSE when testing the equality, which is what I would EXPECT.  However, if I change the integer to a variable to represent that integer such as m--> the result is TRUE?

Note the change in the variable of beta to alpha inside the series expression within the parentheses.


Write a procedure that determines the solutions of a quadratic equation from inputs a, b and c by using the discriminant and the quadratic formula. The quadratic equation procedure should be able to solve all cases: invalid input, linear case, real and complex roots. The procedure should also plot the given equation.

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