Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

Why in next code i must apply operator twice?





inert form eval procedure

dear sir, I want to use maplesim to import the modelica model of truetime network, but failed. the model is writen in modelica 2, is there any way to sovle this problem?

Write the equation of the line passing through the point A(2, 2, -5), parallel to the plane (P): 2x +3y -z - 17 = 0 and cut the line Delta: x = -2 +3*t, y = 4-t, z = 5 + 2*t.

1) First code.










Dear Sirs

I have some numerical data, which are very accurate (500 digits) and want to copy them on a text file.

For pratical reason I would like the procedure writefile to write just 20 digits figures: which is the right syntax to use?


How it works to be so fast?



Is it somehow related to other wonderful tetralogy:




How to handle "division by zero" from EVERY environment in EVERY situation?




error handler

We are trying to obtain an analytical solution of an integral in Maple. When solved numerically the integral converges, but we are not able to get an analytical solution. Any ideas?

The constants in the integral is computed independently, not sure if knowing them can help. The values are r=0.06, kappa=2.6, myksi=2.18, rho=-0.21, stdk=382.2, stds=47.8, kji=52.9 and ksi=62.3. We kind of need the analytical solution to handle the expression in further calculations, and...


in matlab POLYNOMIAL EIGENVALUE PROBLEM solve whit polyeig code 

why maple can't solve  ?!?


Basically I know that.

I just hoped there is some walkaround this problem.

It seems now there is not.

The problem I am trying to solve is how I can construct an iterative procedure where function is computed from numerical solution of the ODE system (done) and then this very function is used to recalculate the solution of this ODE system.

This is my attempt to impement some sort of  gradient projection method to the optimal...

Dear all,
Some time ago I asked a question on maple primes concerning handling the numeric solutions of dsolve procedure.

They sent me to the discussion on option remember and indeed this helped a lot.
However there is another issue.

The method I am trying to implement requires iterative calls to dsolve/numeric with one of the functions defined from the previous...

Let A(-5,-3,-3), B(0,1,-2) be two points and

(d): x = t - 3, y = 2*t, z = t+2.

Find the coordinates the point M on (d) so that the area of the triangle ABM obtain minimum value.


This is my code.

restart; with(LinearAlgebra):

A:=: B:=: M:=:

u:=A-B: v:=A-M:


S:=minimize(1/2*Norm(T,2), location = 'true');

M:=subs(op(1,op(1, S[2])),M);


Let A(-2, -1, 3), B(0, 1, 4) be two point and

(d): x = -t-2, y = t+1, z = -t-1 be a line.

Find coordinates point M lies on (d) so that area of the triangle ABM equal to 3*sqrt(5).

This is my code

restart; with(LinearAlgebra):

A:=: B:=: M:=:

u:=A-B: v:=A-M:



for i from 1 to 2 do print('M'[i]=(subs(op(sol[i]), M[1]), subs(op(sol[i]), M[2]),subs(op(sol[i]), M[3]))) end do;



I have created a MapleSim model including a few custom components. When I try to run the simulation, I receive the following error:

cannot resolve function `Main.'Typesetting:-mambiguous'`; there is no function `'Typesetting:-mambiguous'` visible in model `Main`


How do I know where the source of the error is?


Thank you,


Problem. Write the equation of the plane passing the point H(1,1,1) and cut the coordinates axes Ox, Oy, Oz at A, B, C respectively so that H is centre of the circumscribed of the trianlge ABC.

This is my code.








f:=(x,y,z)->x/a + y/b +z/c-1:

solve([f(H[1],H[2],H[3]) = 0, Norm(H - A, 2) = Norm(H - B, 2), Norm(H - A, 2) = Norm(H - C, 2)],{a,b,c}): assign(%):

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