Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

I hope I've got the terminology right...

I've got a set of functions that I want to display in a maplet table. The tables shows up fine, except all the functions are written like:


What I'd like is them to be shown like:


I've tried playing with MathMLViewer, but that doesn't seem to work.

In coding theory, there are parity-check codes whose parity-check matrices H are generated via column permutations. For instance, the LDPC codes constructed in Gallager's 1962 IRE Trans paper uses the following H matrix:

[ X1 ]

[ X2 ]

[ .... ]

[ Xn ]

where submatrices X2 .. Xn are just random column permutations of X1. However, to make the codes efficient in decoding, there is one restriction which requires that any two row vectors in...

Hi all,

 I am having a very hard time with numerical stability. I am solving system of ode's (7-coupled ode's) using dsolve(stiff) and then using spline function for interpolation and finally solving system of pde's (2-coupled pde's) using pdsolve for one time step and solving all again for the next step. the solution is not stable and it requires very fine/small time step. Is there any procedure/method to improve the stability? 

 What is the stability criteria of dsolve...

how to rewritten the PDEs to the matrix form like the following in Maple



Thank you for suggestions. The system in matrix form looks like z(k+1)=Az(k). The solution to that is z(k)=A^kz(0). Now, phase planes of the system would look different for different matrix A (specifically, eigenvalues of A). For example, for complex eigenvalues phase plane would look like a spiral. I'm having difficulties plotting those phase planes. It's easy for differential equation, but I'm not sure how to work with system of difference equation in Maple.



I have attempted making a translation the Wolfram Mathematic's document: Singular Value Decomposition.
I present Problems in showing the arches of angles. Besides result do not correspond .




Is there any way to modify the shading colors used in shading=zhue? 

Maybe similar to what was done in the post for Color of the plot of convex hull of points or perhaps there is simpler way? 




Hi All,

I have a question that I see has been seldom discussed except certain posts by Mr. Lopez. This concerns the estimation of optimum parameters of the solution of a system of differential equations to fit experimental data. I referred to the Maple document provided by Mr. Lopez on the Maplesoft website.

Good morning.

I want to do a program in a worksheet that it can recall other workeet for plotting with display.

I don´t know how can recall other worksheets.

Please help me.

P.D.: I send a worksheet 01-06-2011-robot-man.mw

I have a pbs: Suppose 3 vector A, B,C with noted [A:B]:=(list)[ A,B,-A,-B] (i.e a paralelogram);

An endomorphism T such that T(.) where (.)=A,B or C are B,C, and (list)[C,-A,-B,-B]
 and T([x:y])=[T([x]):T([y])] where x,y = A,B or C.

Problem: draw T^{n}[A:B] , i.e its boundary is a fractal figure when n is big.


Hi everyone,

I am facing a very complicated system of nonlinear equation. This cannot be solve by using normal fsolve in Maple. Anyone can help me?

Thanks a lot

comn := choose([u, v, mu, nu], 2):

def := seq(seq(seq(Physics[`.`](Dagger(Ket(aa, k)), Ket(bb, m)) = Physics[`.`](Ket(bb, m), Dagger(Ket(aa, k))), `in`(aa, comn[i][1])), `in`(bb, comn[i][2])), i = 1 .. nops(comn)), seq(seq(seq(Dagger(Physics[`.`](Dagger(Ket(aa, k)), Ket(bb, m)) = Physics[`.`](Ket(bb, m), Dagger(Ket(aa, k)))), `in`(aa, comn[i][1])), `in`(bb, comn[i][2])), i = 1 .. nops(comn));

d1 := Physics[`.`...

I  used the DEtools package recently.

When working in a differential algebra with _Envdiffopdomain=[Dt,t] maple still returns something like Dt t^2. I would like him instead to assume, that Dt= dt/t and rewrite it as 2t + t^2 Dt. How can I achieve this behavior?

Hi , I'm Alan GHafur , I'm student in master dagree in Statistic in Irbil / Iraq .I want learn how can slove non linear function in Maple.

thank you for hlep me.

In 2D input it is possible to represnet

diff(f,x) as d/dx f

Is it possible to do

diff(f,x,x) as d^2/(dx)^2 f somehow?

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