Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

Is it possible in Maple to choose the dimensions for a plot? I mean to choose the height and the width of the plot?
For example, to enlarge the plot to the whole width of the maple page? Is it possible?
I need to do this because I have to plot together objects of different dimensions
 and so the smaller ones look too small, so I would like to enlarge the plot to solve the problem. 


I have an expression as the following:

exp1:=E(z)*(diff(t(r), r))/(1-nu(z)^2)+E(z)*nu(z)*t(r)/((1-nu(z)^2)*r)+(E(z)*z/(1-nu(z)^2)-(4/3)*E(z)*z^3/(h^2*(1-nu(z)^2)))*(diff(y(r), r))+(E(z)*nu(z)*z/(1-nu(z)^2)-(4/3)*E(z)*nu(z)*z^3/(h^2*(1-nu(z)^2)))*y(r)/r-(4/3)*E(z)*z^3*(diff(p(r), r, r))/(h^2*(1-nu(z)^2))-(4/3)*E(z)*nu(z)*z^3*(diff(p(r), r))/(h^2*(1-nu(z)^2)*r);

I want to replace the following parameter instead of coefficients of t(r), y(r), p(r) and their derivatives as the following:...

I'm trying to substitute a list of equations into an expression as so:


V:=ReSeq([seq(seq(u(t)^r*v(t)^s=y(r,s),r=0..w+e+1),s=0..w+e+1)]); # where ReSeq reverses the order of the sequence

for i from 1 to nops(V)-1 do
end do;

where N[0] is a polynomial in u(t) and v(t). But it keeps giving y(1,0)*y(2,0) instead of y(3,0).

i calculate a polynomial as following

yn := f(x) = _C1*hypergeom([-(1/2)*n, 3/2+(1/2)*n], [1/2], x^2)+_C2*hypergeom([2+(1/2)*n, 1/2-(1/2)*n], [3/2], x^2)*x


want to get the polynomial with degree n  for  summation_n_from_0_to_infinity y_n*z^n/n!

such as n = 1 n = 0 n = 3, but above yn is hypergeom, is n represent degree, if so, i use subs, then is finished, if not, how to get polynomial with degree n?

What is the distance between the trigonometrical polynomials of the form a0/2+a1*cos(Pi*x)+b1*sin(Pi*x) and the polynomials of  degree at most 1, ie c0+c1*x, in the Chebyshev metrics on the interval [-1,1] and in the L^2 metrics on the same interval?

I have a set of nonlinear and coupled PDEs for a cable actuated system. I want to transfer this set to a set of ODEs and write it down in Matrix form. I used Galerkin's method and derived the ODEs in discritized form. I have a problem in converting this set of equation into a matrix form like "Mq"+Cq'+Kq=F". The derived equations are very complicated and contains some nonlinear terms. One of the three equations looks like this:


I have been investigating Predator-Prey spatial models, e.g.

diff(N(x, t), t) = r*N(x, t)*(1-N(x, t)/K(x, t))-a*N(x, t)*P(x, t)+d[1]*(diff(N(x, t), x, x))

diff(P(x, t), t) = P(x, t)*(b*N(x, t)-c)+d[2]*(diff(P(x, t), x, x))


Is there a way to select multiple entries in a ListBox component? 



    I'm trying to get a component to perform a Fractional Derivative in MapleSim to use in a multibody simulation (as a spring-dash pot component). However, I'm stumped by trying to get the fracdiff function past the custom component code.

  • When set to series, the fractional derivative is only accurate near the estimated about point
  • When set to LaPlace, it's impossible to perform the transform...

I have a problem.

I solved a problem, but i like to get one solution for one variable.

i send my project.

help me please.21-07-2011_-ecuacion.mw

Dear guys

In my program I have a loop and after some calculation I want to write the results. I use:

" writedata("D:\\arvin\\bao-cmb-h.txt", convert(T, array), float);"

but maple give me an error:

" Error, (in convert/list) object too large "

how can I write my data?


I'm developing an application that I'd like to use elements of an array as parameters in MapleSim components - is there a way to use Maple arrays/vectors in MapleSim?


Also is there a way to open a file and read its contents (data) as the starting point (parameter set) for a MapleSim simulation?

Hi Dr. Kamel Boughrara,

I have a question,  I know phi = B*A, but in code i can't understand a part of it, can you kindly explain it in engineering terms.  

kindly see the attach file for phi.

Second question

why e-->sum(factor(e(t)),n=1..100), wht this means, 

Hi guys,

I am working on the following pde



Ft=EAe+T0+pwgPiDo2 (Hw-z)/4-pmgPiDi2 (Hm-z)/4

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