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5 years, 157 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Anthrazit


What I was trying to solve the problem you are mentioning is to use the eval~ statement in the StoreSettings procedure.

The reason why I do not want to do the evaluation before storing is that I still want to use to use the table behaviour during the session.

I've just checked and as far as I can see Maple doesn't do any autosave on libraries I am working on anymore.

Last Autosave of a library was done in june 2022, might be 2022.1 then.

Other Maple workbooks do however autosave backups.


I've filed a new support request on this one, seems the fix above apparently doesn't work.

Case # 00123983

First of all, thanks for the clarifications again. This issue is coming up again and again...

By the way, I didn't know about the "type" command, nice to know that I can use it to check variable types as well.

One of the practical consequences is when using loops in tables. Unfortunately there is no example in the help file when using tables.

Apparently there are 2 different methods when using loops over table contents, as shown below. One by using entries, the other one using eval. A loop over the table itself is not working.

a := table()

table( [ ] )


a["alfa"] := "hello"



a["beta"] := "nice"






for i in a do i end do



for i in entries(a, nolist) do i end do



for j in eval(a) do j end do







The fix is not working in all conditions...

Thanks for the quick reply.

Looks like a lot there is a bit of work for the editors of Maple Help, as all of the examples there are without the uneval quotes.





[`*`, `+`, `-`, `/`, `<`, `<=`, `<>`, `=`, Im, Re, `^`, abs, add, arccos, arccosh, arccot, arccoth, arccsc, arccsch, arcsec, arcsech, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, arctanh, argument, ceil, collect, combine, conjugate, cos, cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, csgn, diff, eval, evalc, evalr, exp, expand, factor, floor, frac, int, ln, log, log10, log2, max, min, mul, normal, polar, root, round, sec, sech, seq, shake, signum, simplify, sin, sinh, sqrt, surd, tan, tanh, trunc, type, verify]


Fmt := (fmt,ee) -> subsindets(ee,`&*`(float,specfunc(Units:-Unit)),


Fmt("#.0000", 12.3456789*Unit(m));



Fmt("#.00", 12.300000000*Unit(m));



Fmt("#.0000", HFloat(12.300000000)*Unit(m));






Definitive a problem with Maples  Font anti-aliasing...

Now here is a funny thing.

Changing settings of "smooth edges on screen fonts" - regardless of switching them on or off fixes the screen problem temporarily. (see

But when closing Maple and starting the program again, the problem is back again, regardless of the "smooth edges on screen fonts" setting.

As I said before, the problem just happens when one of my 3 screens is rotated. Maple can even be on an unrotated screen.


Well, the easiest solution apparently is to use the apostroph before the number in Excel.

Btw., LibreOffice Calc behaves the same was as Excel. You can add +1 to a 1, regardless if it is formatted as a number, a text, or with an apostroph in front of it.

@Axel Vogt 

The decimal delimiter is a subject on its own.

We are an engineering company, and some of our software from the US doesn't respect the Windows settings for decimal delimiters at all.  So we need to set it to a dot on all of our PC's, even if our local settings would be the comma.


Wouldn't that be the same as using convert(a, unit_free)?

I think I found the culprit, and would ask if someone else with a multi-screen solution could verify it.

We do work with a 3 screen configuration in our office, and last week I rotated one of those screens, to find out if this has some pros. The settings for screen 1 is vertical and mirrored.

Apparently the rotation of one screen also has consequences for the non-rotated screens, as the following 2 screenshots show. There is a clear difference in the text font quality regarding Maple. Btw. the Maple session is not running on the rotated screen, but on one of the others.

All screens horizontal:

One screen vertical and mirrored


I do / did think that Windows Cleartype might be the cause of the issue, but I am not sure about that.

Did a new reconfiguration of Cleartype on all screens now.

The thing is, that the quality problem just affects Maple, while other programs look nice (same screen, same font, same scale factor, same font size).

I also tried to twitch some settings from the graphics card, but that didn't change anything either.

Btw. the monitor is running on a 1920x1200 resolution.


I tried different settings, but nothing changed.

Could you provide a screenshot of your settings?

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