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4 years, 356 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

 I came across this question while trying to verify the equality of expressions containing elliptic integrals.


That's what Maple returns for EllipticK(1)


Error, (in EllipticK) numeric exception: division by zero






limit(EllipticK(k), k = 1, left)



indicate infinity.

Float(infinity) = infinity

Float(infinity) = infinity


is(Float(infinity) = infinity)




Download EllpticK(1).mw

I have no experience with elliptic integrals. Can I assume in this case that infinity is correct?

Evaluating this integral

Int(1/(sqrt(1-x)*sqrt(-x^2+1)), x = 0 .. 1); ((proc (x) options operator, arrow; x end proc) = value)(%)

Int(1/((1-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 1) = infinity*(Pi+1)


simplify(Int(1/((1-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 1) = infinity*(Pi+1))

Int(1/((1-x)^(1/2)*(-x^2+1)^(1/2)), x = 0 .. 1) = infinity



produces an infinite product as output. Why does Maple not automatically simplify to infinity. Can the extra information (1+pi) be of any use?

Download Infinity_times_something.mw


The expression

f := arctan(y, x)+arctan(-y, x)

arctan(y, x)+arctan(-y, x)


simplifies to zero in the real range if y=0 is excluded.

x < 0, y::real, y <> 0; `assuming`([simplify(f), is(f = 0)], [%])

0, true


x >= 0, y::real, y <> 0; `assuming`([simplify(f), is(f = 0)], [%])

0, true


Combining the above assumptions as attempted bellow does not simplify to zero

x::real, y::real, y <> 0; `assuming`([simplify(f), is(f = 0)], [%])

arctan(y, x)+arctan(-y, x), FAIL


`or`(x < 0, x >= 0), y::real, y <> 0; `assuming`([simplify(f), is(f = 0)], [%])

arctan(y, x)+arctan(-y, x), FAIL


Or(x < 0, x >= 0), y::real, y <> 0; `assuming`([simplify(f), is(f = 0)], [%])

arctan(y, x)+arctan(-y, x), FAIL


`and`(-infinity <= x, x <= infinity), y::real, y <> 0; `assuming`([simplify(f), is(f = 0)], [%])

arctan(y, x)+arctan(-y, x), FAIL



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2022.0, Windows 10, March 8 2022 Build ID 1599809`




Download assuming_and_differently_combined_inequalities.mw

In the positive range Maple confirms that this is true.
In the real range Maple fails to provide an answer (see attachments).

Is this identity correct?



`Maple 2022.0, X86 64 WINDOWS, Mar 8 2022, Build ID 1599809`



is(arctan(-x) = -arctan(x))



`assuming`([is(arctan(x, y) = -arctan(-x, y))], [x::real, y::real])



`assuming`([is(arctan(x, y) = -arctan(-x, y))], [x::positive, y::positive])



`assuming`([simplify(arctan(-x, y)+arctan(x, y), trig)], [x::real, y::real])

arctan(-x, y)+arctan(x, y)



plot3d([arctan(-x, y)+arctan(x, y)], x = -1000000 .. 1000000, y = -1000000 .. 1000000, title = arctan(-x, y)+arctan(x, y))


On a unit circle

x = cos(alpha), y = sin(alpha)

x = cos(alpha), y = sin(alpha)


subs(x = cos(alpha), y = sin(alpha), arctan(-x, y)+arctan(x, y))

arctan(-cos(alpha), sin(alpha))+arctan(cos(alpha), sin(alpha))


`assuming`([simplify(%)], [alpha::real])

arctan(-cos(alpha), sin(alpha))+arctan(cos(alpha), sin(alpha))


`assuming`([simplify(%)], [alpha::positive])

arctan(-cos(alpha), sin(alpha))+arctan(cos(alpha), sin(alpha))


`assuming`([simplify(%)], [-Pi < alpha and alpha < Pi])

arctan(-cos(alpha), sin(alpha))+arctan(cos(alpha), sin(alpha))


plot(arctan(-cos(alpha), sin(alpha))+arctan(cos(alpha), sin(alpha)), alpha = -2*Pi .. 2*Pi, axes = boxed, color = red)



Download arctan_xy_simplify.mw

and another maybe related case where simplification does not work


Solve produces different output in the attachment depending on how it is used. Why is that and how can simplification to arctan(y/z) be avoided? Arctan(y/z) only gives correct angles for positive y and z.  I prefer arctan(y,z) output that I can subsequently simplify to the y and z ranges of interest (if possible). Imagine “wrong” simplification of complex algebraic output (e.g., from inverse kinematics).


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