3012 Reputation

19 Badges

5 years, 152 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by C_R

DLMF offers different encodings for mathematical expressions. Example:


I was wondering if TeX or pMML (never seen before)  can be imported into Maple and subsequently be used as  Maple Input.

I cannot find documentation on Typesetting commands that can explain the following

From the help page of apply:




The first argument to Typeset has type uneval , signifying that it is not evaluated before being passed to Typesetting[Typeset].


Where can I see  in the lprint output that the first argument is of type uneval?
Is sqrt(x) the first argument?
What does mi do?

Download help_page_apply.mw

I remember a section “Tell us what we can do better” at the bottom of online help pages. I used this whenever I came across a potential error worth investigating.

Has this section disappeared (I hope not) or do I have a browser issue?

Maple standard Output

int(f(x), x)

int(f(x), x)


Desired output with an italic d (here formated manualy with the  in the menu bar)

int(f(x), x)

int(f(x), x)


which reverts to roman layout either after re-execution of the worksheet or re-evaluation.

  int(f(x), x)

int(f(x), x)



I would like to achieve textbook style formatting of integrals in Maple output. I am aware that interpreting a dx in an integral as a "differential" is controversial. The way Maple displays the integration variable in italic and the d in roman makes sense and avoids confusion with interpretations that are no longer needed.
However, what I want to avoid is mixing
dx and dx in the same document.

Can Maple be set by default that the d in the dx of an integral becomes italic?

If this is not possible and because this question comes from habits in physics: Would a display option in the physics package be possible?

Download Differential_format_in_integrals.mw

For the attached worksheet "insert contents" worked two month ago. My computer settings have not changed since.

The same happens with an empty worksheet (document mode) created with 2022.2

Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/Unit_of_t.mw .

Download Unit_of_t.mw

Maple Worksheet - Error

Failed to load the worksheet /maplenet/convert/empty.mw .

Download empty.mw

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