Oliver K

1201 Reputation

15 Badges

17 years, 235 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are answers submitted by Oliver K


You should write Eigenvalues instead of eigenvalues.


So a substitution does the trick, okay Doug. Fitting the parameters was all i wanted to know.

It's too difficult to solve this equation by hand anyway. As soon as this symmetry group stuff kicks in, i have to pass. 

Maplesoft should add a tutor applet for this ;-)

L := [[1, 3], [2, 1], [3, 5], [4, 3], [5, 1], [6, 6]];
G := seq(op(2, op(n, L)), n = 1 .. nops(L));
ColumnGraph([G], offset = .75, distance = .5, width = .5,gridlines);

#Gridlines only appear in standard worksheet

I would start with the easy stuff, random variables in MapleSim require custom components i guess, so just drag in  a resistor and a capacitor and a voltage source, connect and probe them. After this "Hello World" model, the really interesting stuff comes in, multi domain modeling.That means you can combine mechanical, electrical,thermal... and mathmatical elements in one simulation.

Add mechanical elements like motors, inertia and similar  to extend  the electric circuit to a machine model,  a PID controller to have a speed control, or some thermal elements to simulate overheating.

Maybe one could also start with elements from the Multibody tab to have quickly a nice 3D animation, for example a pendulum with springs in it.

It is also possible to built up model equations with block elements like most Simulink users would do, but i don't like this, it is easier to solve equations in Maple, if you already have them.















Thanks Joe, good idea using that VCV / commuting switch combo.



okay, dividing the integrator output by the time works now, thanks.

If it only needs to be plotted, try this:


Even if an inverse function exists, it cannot always be solved explicitly. Example: y=x*arctan(x), x>0 There is no way to express  x(y) in terms of elementary functions, same here.



update: Using other shapes helped (circle, polygon).

try BinarySearch from Listtools



see ?algsubs



check out ?randomize for seeding the generator properly.



if t > 10 then break fi;
end do;

ok, it seems to be a vista related configuration issue, not one that has to do with Maple in the first place. I'll explore the information provided by microsoft's technet site about this topic.

thanks alec


Alec, you mean i just have to move the .ini containing Maple folder to roaming and can delete the old one ?

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