Oliver K

1201 Reputation

15 Badges

17 years, 243 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Oliver K

Interesting Doug,
i'll try some things out the next few days, thanks.

Interesting Doug,
i'll try some things out the next few days, thanks.

Ok, but what do we do here (already posted in Beta forum):


(no solution)

You told me there that you traced this, jakubi, so it would be a start if you tell me which commands you entered.

Basically, i'm just irritated that Maple is capable of doing some very complicated things like evaluating monster integrals, solving godly Differential Equations and, at the same time, fails to solve some very basic stuff like the equation above or the one in my initial post. So i just want to see what's going on when Maple tries to solve things.









Ok, but what do we do here (already posted in Beta forum):


(no solution)

You told me there that you traced this, jakubi, so it would be a start if you tell me which commands you entered.

Basically, i'm just irritated that Maple is capable of doing some very complicated things like evaluating monster integrals, solving godly Differential Equations and, at the same time, fails to solve some very basic stuff like the equation above or the one in my initial post. So i just want to see what's going on when Maple tries to solve things.









Your comments will be welcome, jakubi. I'm not sure i understand why map helps here, look at a slightly different example:

fsolve gives x=0.934 as only solution.


Your comments will be welcome, jakubi. I'm not sure i understand why map helps here, look at a slightly different example:

fsolve gives x=0.934 as only solution.


yes i get this "solution" too in Maple13, but after 25 years in development i'd like to see some heuristic that finds 0 as one obvious solution. Maple finds the root of sin(x)-x, so why not here ?

Anyway, it's just an example for my trace/debug question. But thanks anyway, Christopher.

yes i get this "solution" too in Maple13, but after 25 years in development i'd like to see some heuristic that finds 0 as one obvious solution. Maple finds the root of sin(x)-x, so why not here ?

Anyway, it's just an example for my trace/debug question. But thanks anyway, Christopher.

Hi Magdalena & Alex,

i have the same problem, i also take the forget-password route for a new login.

@Will:  We all have a forum name with a blank in-between, do you think this could be the problem  ?



it works now, ty


ok, i go with Robert's solution (thanks for it), although it doesn't work atm, i get:

Error, invalid input: combinat:-choose expects its 1st argument, n, to be of type {set, list, nonnegint}, but received n

Error, invalid input: LinearAlgebra:-SubMatrix expects its 2nd argument, r, to be of type MVIndex, but received S


Probably a minor ;-) error, i' ll check this later





see ?mathematica

For smoothness, add grid=[60,60] to your plot command, go higher if you have decent hardware.

Hmm, exchanging order of  phi, theta in the Spherical command generates plots that a more similar to your reference, it needs some tweaking with the grid option though. Not sure if this is an error or justified anywhere in the Maple help :-)

Why do you think it's broken ? Do you have a reference plot ?



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