Oliver K

1201 Reputation

15 Badges

17 years, 270 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Oliver K

see ?PDEtools,Solve for some examples how to call a numeric solver and to specify boundary conditions

see ?PDEtools,Solve for some examples how to call a numeric solver and to specify boundary conditions

You are right, i got lost in all those partial diffs, it should be


You are right, i got lost in all those partial diffs, it should be


Regarding MapleSim, it is not supposed to be another toolbox like Global Optimization or MTM. They can't give it for free, bundled with Maple. They put lots of effort into development, have tight release schedule (new release every 6 months), have a dedicated engineering group for developing industry relevant MapleSim stuff. A considerable part of Maplesoft's website is about MapleSim. They have a strong focus on industry related simulation, right now.

Animating 3D plots with a decent grid resolution makes Maple eat my memory alive. Apart from that, i'm way below 10 MB for my usual interactive sessions (plotting a figure, solving equations now and then). This is because i shut Maple down after i did a calculation, i don't keep it running the whole day.

You also could use ?geometry[centroid], but i guess programming this tiny code snippet is not challenge enough to browse the help pages for.

I bet there is no way to do this. And if there is one, then surely not a simple one.

I suppose he refers to magnetic domains in ferromagnetic materials. I remember, at university we did some calculations regarding domain wall energy, but it's too long ago, sorry.

Is there a way to show posts in chronological order on Mapleprimes ?




Assume you want to morph the curve described by the data list L into G:

L:=[seq(evalf(3*exp(-abs((1/3)*i)),2),i=-3*5 .. 3*5)];
G:=[seq(evalf(abs((1/3)*i),2),i=-15 .. 15)];
for k to 50 do S[k]:=seq((1-(1/50)*k)*L[i]+(1/50)*k*G[i],i=1..nops(L)); end do:


Assume you want to morph the curve described by the data list L into G:

L:=[seq(evalf(3*exp(-abs((1/3)*i)),2),i=-3*5 .. 3*5)];
G:=[seq(evalf(abs((1/3)*i),2),i=-15 .. 15)];
for k to 50 do S[k]:=seq((1-(1/50)*k)*L[i]+(1/50)*k*G[i],i=1..nops(L)); end do:

Two good ways,

though i wished there would be a way with the context menu to do this basic task.


Some other goodies i like and you should try out in M14:

- the unified Solve command in the PDETools Package (this is really nice)
- the improvement for calculating the n-th derivative of a function


Thanks Robert !


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