Oliver K

1201 Reputation

15 Badges

17 years, 265 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by Oliver K

I don't think discont is to blame here. Maple has a mechanism that  "simplifies" terms like x/x to 1 immediately. discont just gets the simplified input in the latter case.

Could you tell us why you want to do this ? Maybe there's a better way to solve your problem.


Just use Maple for things where it's really good at, don't enforce unsatisfactory workarounds which cost time and effort. This way, you will love using Maple for many years.  


Just use Maple for things where it's really good at, don't enforce unsatisfactory workarounds which cost time and effort. This way, you will love using Maple for many years.  

This is probably the best (and intended) way to do this homework.

Unfortunately, now the main work is done by Axel.

Anyway, +rep

This is probably the best (and intended) way to do this homework.

Unfortunately, now the main work is done by Axel.

Anyway, +rep

@Duncan, you left out the interesting part of his problem, the if else endif sequence. Obviously, widmer wants to cover special cases for the argument. Here a way:

rtoc:= (x,y)-> < sqrt(x^2+y^2) | `if`(x>0,arctan(y/x),Pi+arctan(y/x)) >;


It's not complete, the case x=0 for example needs to be catched.

For some explanation, check out the if help page.

@Duncan, you left out the interesting part of his problem, the if else endif sequence. Obviously, widmer wants to cover special cases for the argument. Here a way:

rtoc:= (x,y)-> < sqrt(x^2+y^2) | `if`(x>0,arctan(y/x),Pi+arctan(y/x)) >;


It's not complete, the case x=0 for example needs to be catched.

For some explanation, check out the if help page.

I don't know how much this info matters, but compare the #no of employees:

Maplesoft: ~120

Wolfram Research ~300

Mathworks: ~1700

(all numbers are just googled, so not reliable)
So one could assume that the two latter companies have more free hands to develop their stuff.

But this is probably a milkmaid calculation [  <- bad english I guess :p ]

Do you have an example worksheet that needs to be pdf'd ?

I remember that William already said in a previous post that this feature is in the pipe, but will take some time to implement. I would appreciate this chronological ordering, too.

I'm old fashioned anyway, things like tag clouds and twitter links are for the young ones :-)  

Congratulations, Paulina :-)


I agree that performance still could be improved. I suggest using the Mapleprimes RSS Feed for your slow connection, so you can be more selective on which topics you're going to browse.

To check your problem, you should post your equation here as text, so we can try things out in Maple. To do this, you can convert your 2D input via rightclick->2Dmath->convert to->1D math input and paste it here.


Christopher, drop your 300 Baud acoustic coupler and get -at least- a more advanced 14.4kB modem :P

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