
1207 Reputation

14 Badges

12 years, 220 days
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Ronan

Trying to write a generat purpose procedure insteat of having 3 or 4 different named procceduers.

Need to determine the input types of say A,B,C


1) A,B,C could be for the form 3/2 , 5x-7 , x^2-sqrt(x+3)  i.e numbers or formulas

2) A,B,C could be 2 elenent lists [2,3]  , [5x-6y,8x+2] ,[2,sqrt(3)]  i.e 2D points

3) A,B,C could be 3 element lists as above    i.e 3D points

4) A,B,C could be 2D vectors

5) A,B,C could be 3D vectors

A, B, C will not be of mixed types but would be good to check A, B, C for consistency and if not retrun an error

Looking to calculate output based on

If type 1) ......

elif type 2).....



elif type 5)...

end if


end proc



I am experimenting with creating help files for  my own package.

I have saved  a package overview file and one package command  file into a help data base as a test usingTools, Help Database, Save as Help Page.

These 2 help pages work in principle as i can find them when I search for them and the command  help page opens from the overview page. I now need to edit them. So I edit the original worksheets and use Tools, Help Database, Save as Help Page to update the data base.

Now Maple will not let me overwrite the original page.The Help file savy you can overwrite. So I have to delete the original page first then resave it back in. This involves reentering all the data again. Topic Alisies and Table of contents.

To say the least this is extremely tedious  vastly innefficient and very error prone. I will have upto say 40 help pages to edit and they will require some expirementing with.

Is there a better way to do this?


Hve added this line the the bottom of the worksheet

makehelp('`Rational Trigonometry`', "Rational Trigonometry Overview", " C:\Users\Ronan.Ronan-PC\maple\toolbox\UserHelp\lib\")

get     Error, (in readline) file or directory does not exist



I want to make a package or module. Not sure. I cant get my head around what to do. I have loads of formulas I would like to be able to use without going back through work sheets. At present just want to keep it simple.

Have loaded a sample work sheet to use

Intend to place package in Maple2016 library folder.



Library Folder

C:\Program Files\Maple 2016\lib







Point2 := proc (x1, y1) options operator, arrow; [x1, y1] end proc

proc (x1, y1) options operator, arrow; [x1, y1] end proc


Point3 := proc (x1, y1, z1) options operator, arrow; [x1, y1, z1] end proc

proc (x1, y1, z1) options operator, arrow; [x1, y1, z1] end proc


a1 := Point3(x1, y1, z1)

[x1, y1, z1]


a2 := Point3(x2, y2, z2)

[x2, y2, z2]


a3 := Point3(x3, y3, z3)

[x3, y3, z3]


Line through 2 points

LinePts := proc (p1, p2) options operator, arrow; (p2[2]-p1[2])*x+(p1[1]-p2[1])*y-p2[2]*p1[1]+p1[2]*p2[1] end proc

proc (p1, p2) options operator, arrow; (p2[2]-p1[2])*x+(p1[1]-p2[1])*y-p2[2]*p1[1]+p1[2]*p2[1] end proc




Line := proc (a, b, c) options operator, arrow; a*x+b*y+c end proc

proc (a, b, c) options operator, arrow; a*x+b*y+c end proc


Lines s

LnPrll := proc (l1, l2) options operator, arrow; is(coeff(l1, x)*coeff(l2, y)-coeff(l2, x)*coeff(l1, y) = 0) end proc

proc (l1, l2) options operator, arrow; is(coeff(l1, x)*coeff(l2, y)-coeff(l2, x)*coeff(l1, y) = 0) end proc


Lines t

LnPrpnd := proc (l1, l2) options operator, arrow; is(coeff(l1, x)*coeff(l2, x)+coeff(l1, y)*coeff(l2, y) = 0) end proc

proc (l1, l2) options operator, arrow; is(coeff(l1, x)*coeff(l2, x)+coeff(l1, y)*coeff(l2, y) = 0) end proc




Quadrance between 2 points (2D)

Quadrance := proc (a1, a2) options operator, arrow; (a1[1]-a2[1])^2+(a1[2]-a2[2])^2 end proc

proc (a1, a2) options operator, arrow; (a1[1]-a2[1])^2+(a1[2]-a2[2])^2 end proc



Quadrance between 2 points (3D)

Qd3 := proc (a1, a2) options operator, arrow; (a1[1]-a2[1])^2+(a1[2]-a2[2])^2+(a1[3]-a2[3])^2 end proc

proc (a1, a2) options operator, arrow; (a1[1]-a2[1])^2+(a1[2]-a2[2])^2+(a1[3]-a2[3])^2 end proc


Triple Quad Formula (3 colinear points)

TQF := proc (Q1, Q2, Q3) options operator, arrow; (Q1+Q2+Q3)^2 = 2*Q1^2+2*Q2^2+2*Q3^2 end proc

proc (Q1, Q2, Q3) options operator, arrow; (Q1+Q2+Q3)^2 = 2*Q1^2+2*Q2^2+2*Q3^2 end proc



SpreadPoly := proc (n, s, rn) with(orthopoly); s-factor(1/2-(1/2)*T(n, 1-2*rn)) end proc

proc (n, s, rn) with(orthopoly); s-factor(1/2-(1/2)*T(n, 1-2*rn)) end proc


SpreadPoly(3, s, r)






Trying to build a block matrix. Having a problem getting the syntax correct. Can't add in the predefind matrices to the lower band.



interface(displayprecision = 5)



interface(rtablesize = 81)



S := 2



dmax := 7



CCnew0 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 336750255587/3769550688757, (1, 2) = -14853552191797/1696297809940650, (2, 1) = 665096091/76929605893, (2, 2) = 1328910382993/11539440883950})

CCnew0 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 336750255587/3769550688757, (1, 2) = -14853552191797/1696297809940650, (2, 1) = 665096091/76929605893, (2, 2) = 1328910382993/11539440883950})


CCnew1 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 49655436033349/56543260331355, (1, 2) = -75647656451147/1413581508283875, (2, 1) = 29849106694/384648029465, (2, 2) = 10591394356218/9616200736625})

CCnew1 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 49655436033349/56543260331355, (1, 2) = -75647656451147/1413581508283875, (2, 1) = 29849106694/384648029465, (2, 2) = 10591394356218/9616200736625})


CCnew2 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 299962512141959/80776086187650, (1, 2) = -1231816081155781/8481489049703250, (2, 1) = 155175716729/549497184950, (2, 2) = 260449617208489/57697204419750})

CCnew2 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 299962512141959/80776086187650, (1, 2) = -1231816081155781/8481489049703250, (2, 1) = 155175716729/549497184950, (2, 2) = 260449617208489/57697204419750})


CCnew3 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 50445725001719/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -9065291388901/40388043093825, (2, 1) = 21111399914/39249798925, (2, 2) = 2819495262394/274748592475})

CCnew3 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 50445725001719/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -9065291388901/40388043093825, (2, 1) = 21111399914/39249798925, (2, 2) = 2819495262394/274748592475})


CCnew4 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 142685068141037/11539440883950, (1, 2) = -116560067351321/565432603313550, (2, 1) = 44654487647/78499597850, (2, 2) = 53741323977599/3846480294650})

CCnew4 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 142685068141037/11539440883950, (1, 2) = -116560067351321/565432603313550, (2, 1) = 44654487647/78499597850, (2, 2) = 53741323977599/3846480294650})


CCnew5 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 60560690824604/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -88774498025543/848148904970325, (2, 1) = 12484906049/39249798925, (2, 2) = 65745570806567/5769720441975})

CCnew5 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 60560690824604/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -88774498025543/848148904970325, (2, 1) = 12484906049/39249798925, (2, 2) = 65745570806567/5769720441975})


CCnew6 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 20398649489879/4121228887125, (1, 2) = -5446073753219/242328258562950, (2, 1) = 14465459393/196248994625, (2, 2) = 8502096238511/1648491554850})

CCnew6 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 20398649489879/4121228887125, (1, 2) = -5446073753219/242328258562950, (2, 1) = 14465459393/196248994625, (2, 2) = 8502096238511/1648491554850})





M1 := Matrix(S*dmax, S*dmax, [Matrix(S*(dmax-1), S), Matrix(S*(dmax-1), shape = identity), Matrix(S, S*dmax, [seq(-CCnew || n, n = 0 .. dmax-1)])])

Error, (in Matrix) this entry is too tall or too short: Matrix(2, 14, {(1, 1) = -336750255587/3769550688757, (1, 2) = 14853552191797/1696297809940650, (1, 3) = -49655436033349/56543260331355, (1, 4) = 75647656451147/1413581508283875, (1, 5) = -299962512141959/80776086187650, (1, 6) = 1231816081155781/8481489049703250, (1, 7) = -50445725001719/5769720441975, (1, 8) = 9065291388901/40388043093825, (1, 9) = -142685068141037/11539440883950, (1, 10) = 116560067351321/565432603313550, (1, 11) = -60560690824604/5769720441975, (1, 12) = 88774498025543/848148904970325, (1, 13) = -20398649489879/4121228887125, (1, 14) = 5446073753219/242328258562950, ...


M2 := Matrix(S*dmax, S*dmax, [Matrix(S*(dmax-1), S), Matrix(S*(dmax-1), shape = identity)])

M2 := Matrix(14, 14, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 1, (1, 4) = 0, (1, 5) = 0, (1, 6) = 0, (1, 7) = 0, (1, 8) = 0, (1, 9) = 0, (1, 10) = 0, (1, 11) = 0, (1, 12) = 0, (1, 13) = 0, (1, 14) = 0, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 1, (2, 5) = 0, (2, 6) = 0, (2, 7) = 0, (2, 8) = 0, (2, 9) = 0, (2, 10) = 0, (2, 11) = 0, (2, 12) = 0, (2, 13) = 0, (2, 14) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = 0, (3, 4) = 0, (3, 5) = 1, (3, 6) = 0, (3, 7) = 0, (3, 8) = 0, (3, 9) = 0, (3, 10) = 0, (3, 11) = 0, (3, 12) = 0, (3, 13) = 0, (3, 14) = 0, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = 0, (4, 5) = 0, (4, 6) = 1, (4, 7) = 0, (4, 8) = 0, (4, 9) = 0, (4, 10) = 0, (4, 11) = 0, (4, 12) = 0, (4, 13) = 0, (4, 14) = 0, (5, 1) = 0, (5, 2) = 0, (5, 3) = 0, (5, 4) = 0, (5, 5) = 0, (5, 6) = 0, (5, 7) = 1, (5, 8) = 0, (5, 9) = 0, (5, 10) = 0, (5, 11) = 0, (5, 12) = 0, (5, 13) = 0, (5, 14) = 0, (6, 1) = 0, (6, 2) = 0, (6, 3) = 0, (6, 4) = 0, (6, 5) = 0, (6, 6) = 0, (6, 7) = 0, (6, 8) = 1, (6, 9) = 0, (6, 10) = 0, (6, 11) = 0, (6, 12) = 0, (6, 13) = 0, (6, 14) = 0, (7, 1) = 0, (7, 2) = 0, (7, 3) = 0, (7, 4) = 0, (7, 5) = 0, (7, 6) = 0, (7, 7) = 0, (7, 8) = 0, (7, 9) = 1, (7, 10) = 0, (7, 11) = 0, (7, 12) = 0, (7, 13) = 0, (7, 14) = 0, (8, 1) = 0, (8, 2) = 0, (8, 3) = 0, (8, 4) = 0, (8, 5) = 0, (8, 6) = 0, (8, 7) = 0, (8, 8) = 0, (8, 9) = 0, (8, 10) = 1, (8, 11) = 0, (8, 12) = 0, (8, 13) = 0, (8, 14) = 0, (9, 1) = 0, (9, 2) = 0, (9, 3) = 0, (9, 4) = 0, (9, 5) = 0, (9, 6) = 0, (9, 7) = 0, (9, 8) = 0, (9, 9) = 0, (9, 10) = 0, (9, 11) = 1, (9, 12) = 0, (9, 13) = 0, (9, 14) = 0, (10, 1) = 0, (10, 2) = 0, (10, 3) = 0, (10, 4) = 0, (10, 5) = 0, (10, 6) = 0, (10, 7) = 0, (10, 8) = 0, (10, 9) = 0, (10, 10) = 0, (10, 11) = 0, (10, 12) = 1, (10, 13) = 0, (10, 14) = 0, (11, 1) = 0, (11, 2) = 0, (11, 3) = 0, (11, 4) = 0, (11, 5) = 0, (11, 6) = 0, (11, 7) = 0, (11, 8) = 0, (11, 9) = 0, (11, 10) = 0, (11, 11) = 0, (11, 12) = 0, (11, 13) = 1, (11, 14) = 0, (12, 1) = 0, (12, 2) = 0, (12, 3) = 0, (12, 4) = 0, (12, 5) = 0, (12, 6) = 0, (12, 7) = 0, (12, 8) = 0, (12, 9) = 0, (12, 10) = 0, (12, 11) = 0, (12, 12) = 0, (12, 13) = 0, (12, 14) = 1, (13, 1) = 0, (13, 2) = 0, (13, 3) = 0, (13, 4) = 0, (13, 5) = 0, (13, 6) = 0, (13, 7) = 0, (13, 8) = 0, (13, 9) = 0, (13, 10) = 0, (13, 11) = 0, (13, 12) = 0, (13, 13) = 0, (13, 14) = 0, (14, 1) = 0, (14, 2) = 0, (14, 3) = 0, (14, 4) = 0, (14, 5) = 0, (14, 6) = 0, (14, 7) = 0, (14, 8) = 0, (14, 9) = 0, (14, 10) = 0, (14, 11) = 0, (14, 12) = 0, (14, 13) = 0, (14, 14) = 0})


lowerband := Matrix(S, S*dmax, [seq(-evalf(CCnew || n), n = 0 .. dmax-1)])

lowerband := Matrix(2, 14, {(1, 1) = -0.893343e-1, (1, 2) = 0.875645e-2, (1, 3) = -.878185, (1, 4) = 0.535149e-1, (1, 5) = -3.71351, (1, 6) = .145236, (1, 7) = -8.74318, (1, 8) = .224455, (1, 9) = -12.36499, (1, 10) = .206143, (1, 11) = -10.49630, (1, 12) = .104669, (1, 13) = -4.94965, (1, 14) = 0.224740e-1, (2, 1) = -0.864552e-2, (2, 2) = -.115162, (2, 3) = -0.776011e-1, (2, 4) = -1.10141, (2, 5) = -.282396, (2, 6) = -4.51408, (2, 7) = -.537873, (2, 8) = -10.26209, (2, 9) = -.568850, (2, 10) = -13.97156, (2, 11) = -.318088, (2, 12) = -11.39493, (2, 13) = -0.737097e-1, (2, 14) = -5.15750})


M3 := Matrix(S*dmax, S*dmax, [Matrix(S*(dmax-1), S), Matrix(S*(dmax-1), shape = identity), lowerband])

Error, (in Matrix) this entry is too tall or too short: Matrix(2, 14, {(1, 1) = -0.8933432215e-1, (1, 2) = 0.8756453086e-2, (1, 3) = -.8781848755, (1, 4) = 0.5351488825e-1, (1, 5) = -3.713506389, (1, 6) = .1452358276, (1, 7) = -8.743183575, (1, 8) = .224454831, (1, 9) = -12.36498974, (1, 10) = .2061431666, (1, 11) = -10.49629552, (1, 12) = .1046685287, (1, 13) = -4.949652167, (1, 14) = 0.2247395242e-1, (2, 1) = -0.8645515381e-2, (2, 2) = -.1151624586, (2, 3) = -0.7760109089e-1, (2, 4) = -1.101411529, (2, 5) = -.2823958356, (2, 6) = -4.514076892, (2, 7) = -.537872817, (2, 8) = -10.26209174, (2, 9) = -.5688498906, (2, 10) = -13.97155838, (2, 1...






interface(displayprecision = 5)



interface(rtablesize = 81)



S := 2



dmax := 7



CCnew0 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 336750255587/3769550688757, (1, 2) = -14853552191797/1696297809940650, (2, 1) = 665096091/76929605893, (2, 2) = 1328910382993/11539440883950})

CCnew0 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 336750255587/3769550688757, (1, 2) = -14853552191797/1696297809940650, (2, 1) = 665096091/76929605893, (2, 2) = 1328910382993/11539440883950})


CCnew1 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 49655436033349/56543260331355, (1, 2) = -75647656451147/1413581508283875, (2, 1) = 29849106694/384648029465, (2, 2) = 10591394356218/9616200736625})

CCnew1 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 49655436033349/56543260331355, (1, 2) = -75647656451147/1413581508283875, (2, 1) = 29849106694/384648029465, (2, 2) = 10591394356218/9616200736625})


CCnew2 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 299962512141959/80776086187650, (1, 2) = -1231816081155781/8481489049703250, (2, 1) = 155175716729/549497184950, (2, 2) = 260449617208489/57697204419750})

CCnew2 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 299962512141959/80776086187650, (1, 2) = -1231816081155781/8481489049703250, (2, 1) = 155175716729/549497184950, (2, 2) = 260449617208489/57697204419750})


CCnew3 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 50445725001719/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -9065291388901/40388043093825, (2, 1) = 21111399914/39249798925, (2, 2) = 2819495262394/274748592475})

CCnew3 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 50445725001719/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -9065291388901/40388043093825, (2, 1) = 21111399914/39249798925, (2, 2) = 2819495262394/274748592475})


CCnew4 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 142685068141037/11539440883950, (1, 2) = -116560067351321/565432603313550, (2, 1) = 44654487647/78499597850, (2, 2) = 53741323977599/3846480294650})

CCnew4 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 142685068141037/11539440883950, (1, 2) = -116560067351321/565432603313550, (2, 1) = 44654487647/78499597850, (2, 2) = 53741323977599/3846480294650})


CCnew5 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 60560690824604/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -88774498025543/848148904970325, (2, 1) = 12484906049/39249798925, (2, 2) = 65745570806567/5769720441975})

CCnew5 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 60560690824604/5769720441975, (1, 2) = -88774498025543/848148904970325, (2, 1) = 12484906049/39249798925, (2, 2) = 65745570806567/5769720441975})


CCnew6 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 20398649489879/4121228887125, (1, 2) = -5446073753219/242328258562950, (2, 1) = 14465459393/196248994625, (2, 2) = 8502096238511/1648491554850})

CCnew6 := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 20398649489879/4121228887125, (1, 2) = -5446073753219/242328258562950, (2, 1) = 14465459393/196248994625, (2, 2) = 8502096238511/1648491554850})





M1 := Matrix(S*dmax, S*dmax, [Matrix(S*(dmax-1), S), Matrix(S*(dmax-1), shape = identity), Matrix(S, S*dmax, [seq(-CCnew || n, n = 0 .. dmax-1)])])

Error, (in Matrix) this entry is too tall or too short: Matrix(2, 14, {(1, 1) = -336750255587/3769550688757, (1, 2) = 14853552191797/1696297809940650, (1, 3) = -49655436033349/56543260331355, (1, 4) = 75647656451147/1413581508283875, (1, 5) = -299962512141959/80776086187650, (1, 6) = 1231816081155781/8481489049703250, (1, 7) = -50445725001719/5769720441975, (1, 8) = 9065291388901/40388043093825, (1, 9) = -142685068141037/11539440883950, (1, 10) = 116560067351321/565432603313550, (1, 11) = -60560690824604/5769720441975, (1, 12) = 88774498025543/848148904970325, (1, 13) = -20398649489879/4121228887125, (1, 14) = 5446073753219/242328258562950, ...


M2 := Matrix(S*dmax, S*dmax, [Matrix(S*(dmax-1), S), Matrix(S*(dmax-1), shape = identity)])

M2 := Matrix(14, 14, {(1, 1) = 0, (1, 2) = 0, (1, 3) = 1, (1, 4) = 0, (1, 5) = 0, (1, 6) = 0, (1, 7) = 0, (1, 8) = 0, (1, 9) = 0, (1, 10) = 0, (1, 11) = 0, (1, 12) = 0, (1, 13) = 0, (1, 14) = 0, (2, 1) = 0, (2, 2) = 0, (2, 3) = 0, (2, 4) = 1, (2, 5) = 0, (2, 6) = 0, (2, 7) = 0, (2, 8) = 0, (2, 9) = 0, (2, 10) = 0, (2, 11) = 0, (2, 12) = 0, (2, 13) = 0, (2, 14) = 0, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = 0, (3, 3) = 0, (3, 4) = 0, (3, 5) = 1, (3, 6) = 0, (3, 7) = 0, (3, 8) = 0, (3, 9) = 0, (3, 10) = 0, (3, 11) = 0, (3, 12) = 0, (3, 13) = 0, (3, 14) = 0, (4, 1) = 0, (4, 2) = 0, (4, 3) = 0, (4, 4) = 0, (4, 5) = 0, (4, 6) = 1, (4, 7) = 0, (4, 8) = 0, (4, 9) = 0, (4, 10) = 0, (4, 11) = 0, (4, 12) = 0, (4, 13) = 0, (4, 14) = 0, (5, 1) = 0, (5, 2) = 0, (5, 3) = 0, (5, 4) = 0, (5, 5) = 0, (5, 6) = 0, (5, 7) = 1, (5, 8) = 0, (5, 9) = 0, (5, 10) = 0, (5, 11) = 0, (5, 12) = 0, (5, 13) = 0, (5, 14) = 0, (6, 1) = 0, (6, 2) = 0, (6, 3) = 0, (6, 4) = 0, (6, 5) = 0, (6, 6) = 0, (6, 7) = 0, (6, 8) = 1, (6, 9) = 0, (6, 10) = 0, (6, 11) = 0, (6, 12) = 0, (6, 13) = 0, (6, 14) = 0, (7, 1) = 0, (7, 2) = 0, (7, 3) = 0, (7, 4) = 0, (7, 5) = 0, (7, 6) = 0, (7, 7) = 0, (7, 8) = 0, (7, 9) = 1, (7, 10) = 0, (7, 11) = 0, (7, 12) = 0, (7, 13) = 0, (7, 14) = 0, (8, 1) = 0, (8, 2) = 0, (8, 3) = 0, (8, 4) = 0, (8, 5) = 0, (8, 6) = 0, (8, 7) = 0, (8, 8) = 0, (8, 9) = 0, (8, 10) = 1, (8, 11) = 0, (8, 12) = 0, (8, 13) = 0, (8, 14) = 0, (9, 1) = 0, (9, 2) = 0, (9, 3) = 0, (9, 4) = 0, (9, 5) = 0, (9, 6) = 0, (9, 7) = 0, (9, 8) = 0, (9, 9) = 0, (9, 10) = 0, (9, 11) = 1, (9, 12) = 0, (9, 13) = 0, (9, 14) = 0, (10, 1) = 0, (10, 2) = 0, (10, 3) = 0, (10, 4) = 0, (10, 5) = 0, (10, 6) = 0, (10, 7) = 0, (10, 8) = 0, (10, 9) = 0, (10, 10) = 0, (10, 11) = 0, (10, 12) = 1, (10, 13) = 0, (10, 14) = 0, (11, 1) = 0, (11, 2) = 0, (11, 3) = 0, (11, 4) = 0, (11, 5) = 0, (11, 6) = 0, (11, 7) = 0, (11, 8) = 0, (11, 9) = 0, (11, 10) = 0, (11, 11) = 0, (11, 12) = 0, (11, 13) = 1, (11, 14) = 0, (12, 1) = 0, (12, 2) = 0, (12, 3) = 0, (12, 4) = 0, (12, 5) = 0, (12, 6) = 0, (12, 7) = 0, (12, 8) = 0, (12, 9) = 0, (12, 10) = 0, (12, 11) = 0, (12, 12) = 0, (12, 13) = 0, (12, 14) = 1, (13, 1) = 0, (13, 2) = 0, (13, 3) = 0, (13, 4) = 0, (13, 5) = 0, (13, 6) = 0, (13, 7) = 0, (13, 8) = 0, (13, 9) = 0, (13, 10) = 0, (13, 11) = 0, (13, 12) = 0, (13, 13) = 0, (13, 14) = 0, (14, 1) = 0, (14, 2) = 0, (14, 3) = 0, (14, 4) = 0, (14, 5) = 0, (14, 6) = 0, (14, 7) = 0, (14, 8) = 0, (14, 9) = 0, (14, 10) = 0, (14, 11) = 0, (14, 12) = 0, (14, 13) = 0, (14, 14) = 0})


lowerband := Matrix(S, S*dmax, [seq(-evalf(CCnew || n), n = 0 .. dmax-1)])

lowerband := Matrix(2, 14, {(1, 1) = -0.893343e-1, (1, 2) = 0.875645e-2, (1, 3) = -.878185, (1, 4) = 0.535149e-1, (1, 5) = -3.71351, (1, 6) = .145236, (1, 7) = -8.74318, (1, 8) = .224455, (1, 9) = -12.36499, (1, 10) = .206143, (1, 11) = -10.49630, (1, 12) = .104669, (1, 13) = -4.94965, (1, 14) = 0.224740e-1, (2, 1) = -0.864552e-2, (2, 2) = -.115162, (2, 3) = -0.776011e-1, (2, 4) = -1.10141, (2, 5) = -.282396, (2, 6) = -4.51408, (2, 7) = -.537873, (2, 8) = -10.26209, (2, 9) = -.568850, (2, 10) = -13.97156, (2, 11) = -.318088, (2, 12) = -11.39493, (2, 13) = -0.737097e-1, (2, 14) = -5.15750})


M3 := Matrix(S*dmax, S*dmax, [Matrix(S*(dmax-1), S), Matrix(S*(dmax-1), shape = identity), lowerband])

Error, (in Matrix) this entry is too tall or too short: Matrix(2, 14, {(1, 1) = -0.8933432215e-1, (1, 2) = 0.8756453086e-2, (1, 3) = -.8781848755, (1, 4) = 0.5351488825e-1, (1, 5) = -3.713506389, (1, 6) = .1452358276, (1, 7) = -8.743183575, (1, 8) = .224454831, (1, 9) = -12.36498974, (1, 10) = .2061431666, (1, 11) = -10.49629552, (1, 12) = .1046685287, (1, 13) = -4.949652167, (1, 14) = 0.2247395242e-1, (2, 1) = -0.8645515381e-2, (2, 2) = -.1151624586, (2, 3) = -0.7760109089e-1, (2, 4) = -1.101411529, (2, 5) = -.2823958356, (2, 6) = -4.514076892, (2, 7) = -.537872817, (2, 8) = -10.26209174, (2, 9) = -.5688498906, (2, 10) = -13.97155838, (2, 1...




I wish to delete the rows that have imaginery components from my results Matrix. Have tried many variants of for loops etc.




interface(displayprecision = 3)





interface(rtablesize = 81)





Ans := Matrix(17, 15, {(1, 1) = `-`, (1, 2) = u0, (1, 3) = u1, (1, 4) = u2, (1, 5) = u3, (1, 6) = P*x, (1, 7) = Py, (1, 8) = Pz, (1, 9) = g0, (1, 10) = g1, (1, 11) = g2, (1, 12) = g3, (1, 13) = u^2, (1, 14) = g^2, (1, 15) = P, (2, 1) = 1, (2, 2) = -.516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (2, 3) = .157087667438024041386330713987768482051008262*I, (2, 4) = .113781789011852812312696505223578179747798329*I, (2, 5) = -.877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (2, 6) = -45.5583959992909648360043286735679679113587631, (2, 7) = -49.2104104577498887775211368820566392860712299, (2, 8) = -893.5067837*I, (2, 9) = -.866146675707479268632063873487527071333386044, (2, 10) = 0.392015486681650570173437868256055772345022977e-1*I, (2, 11) = -.1411657646*I, (2, 12) = .520820958366521078324036803446408915170112964, (2, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999997268842, (2, 14) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999974976375, (2, 15) = 890.986610791943203054869284606448158021303178*I, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = -.516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (3, 3) = -.1570876674*I, (3, 4) = -.1137817890*I, (3, 5) = -.877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (3, 6) = 0, (3, 7) = 0, (3, 8) = 0, (3, 9) = 0, (3, 10) = 0, (3, 11) = 0, (3, 12) = 0, (3, 13) = 0, (3, 14) = 0, (3, 15) = 0, (4, 1) = 2, (4, 2) = 1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (4, 3) = -.4720070715*I, (4, 4) = 1.04887251334709968989772260444378754238846281*I, (4, 5) = -.658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (4, 6) = -139.935858043713569770172241394940432701557933, (4, 7) = 1009.16689416507143999697715965318783801532828, (4, 8) = 35.050637050173061427545252165933711014164793*I, (4, 9) = -1.081758215*I, (4, 10) = -.805172606177376737844957657938233921696306905, (4, 11) = 1.28822588438750284892199202326992770781607054, (4, 12) = .370982506039653923963789326359229665746676298*I, (4, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000004448, (4, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000002308483, (4, 15) = 1018.21968036744599747318369866423941656487034, (5, 1) = 0, (5, 2) = 1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (5, 3) = .472007071498869469711464480852290076392886818*I, (5, 4) = -1.048872513*I, (5, 5) = -.658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (5, 6) = 0, (5, 7) = 0, (5, 8) = 0, (5, 9) = 0, (5, 10) = 0, (5, 11) = 0, (5, 12) = 0, (5, 13) = 0, (5, 14) = 0, (5, 15) = 0, (6, 1) = 3, (6, 2) = .888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (6, 3) = -.106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (6, 4) = .227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (6, 5) = -.383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (6, 6) = -33.2619224164850716022540679651061384838837392, (6, 7) = -70.5221377558306752001316338827006032187340768, (6, 8) = 520.235208378859672763343647578296600919428272, (6, 9) = .403127155352863813666160452061241985268802920, (6, 10) = -.229875128453580499649930605383626391667210087, (6, 11) = -.249025243344440313757976839460134436215711022, (6, 12) = .850077849442508503270095108095866473994329709, (6, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990, (6, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001494, (6, 15) = 526.046005054204528169704406776278260629227147, (7, 1) = 0, (7, 2) = .888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (7, 3) = .106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (7, 4) = -.227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (7, 5) = -.383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (7, 6) = 0, (7, 7) = 0, (7, 8) = 0, (7, 9) = 0, (7, 10) = 0, (7, 11) = 0, (7, 12) = 0, (7, 13) = 0, (7, 14) = 0, (7, 15) = 0, (8, 1) = 4, (8, 2) = .771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (8, 3) = -.251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (8, 4) = .494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (8, 5) = -.311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (8, 6) = -35.3773974809076144493333628813387306219066392, (8, 7) = -261.955262605587133808935304231369552994540307, (8, 8) = 267.817639506339708440220037786669249266668237, (8, 9) = .542590138401669145144489319765760630956089296, (8, 10) = -.207306657051038538831939399741694104211987188, (8, 11) = -.745192226522038608473536679495983480516139685, (8, 12) = .327579665398674149197429570862493923635921752, (8, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, (8, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000070, (8, 15) = 376.295638946336949362327994692547262453058894, (9, 1) = 0, (9, 2) = .771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (9, 3) = .251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (9, 4) = -.494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (9, 5) = -.311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (9, 6) = 0, (9, 7) = 0, (9, 8) = 0, (9, 9) = 0, (9, 10) = 0, (9, 11) = 0, (9, 12) = 0, (9, 13) = 0, (9, 14) = 0, (9, 15) = 0, (10, 1) = 5, (10, 2) = -.771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (10, 3) = -.251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (10, 4) = .494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (10, 5) = .311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (10, 6) = -35.3773974809076144493333628813387306219066392, (10, 7) = -261.955262605587133808935304231369552994540307, (10, 8) = -267.817639506339708440220037786669249266668237, (10, 9) = .542590138401669145144489319765760630956089296, (10, 10) = .207306657051038538831939399741694104211987188, (10, 11) = .745192226522038608473536679495983480516139685, (10, 12) = .327579665398674149197429570862493923635921752, (10, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, (10, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000070, (10, 15) = 376.295638946336949362327994692547262453058894, (11, 1) = 0, (11, 2) = -.771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (11, 3) = .251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (11, 4) = -.494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (11, 5) = .311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (11, 6) = 0, (11, 7) = 0, (11, 8) = 0, (11, 9) = 0, (11, 10) = 0, (11, 11) = 0, (11, 12) = 0, (11, 13) = 0, (11, 14) = 0, (11, 15) = 0, (12, 1) = 6, (12, 2) = -.888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (12, 3) = -.106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (12, 4) = .227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (12, 5) = .383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (12, 6) = -33.2619224164850716022540679651061384838837392, (12, 7) = -70.5221377558306752001316338827006032187340768, (12, 8) = -520.235208378859672763343647578296600919428272, (12, 9) = .403127155352863813666160452061241985268802920, (12, 10) = .229875128453580499649930605383626391667210087, (12, 11) = .249025243344440313757976839460134436215711022, (12, 12) = .850077849442508503270095108095866473994329709, (12, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990, (12, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001494, (12, 15) = 526.046005054204528169704406776278260629227147, (13, 1) = 0, (13, 2) = -.888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (13, 3) = .106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (13, 4) = -.227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (13, 5) = .383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (13, 6) = 0, (13, 7) = 0, (13, 8) = 0, (13, 9) = 0, (13, 10) = 0, (13, 11) = 0, (13, 12) = 0, (13, 13) = 0, (13, 14) = 0, (13, 15) = 0, (14, 1) = 7, (14, 2) = -1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (14, 3) = -.4720070715*I, (14, 4) = 1.04887251334709968989772260444378754238846281*I, (14, 5) = .658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (14, 6) = -139.935858043713569770172241394940432701557933, (14, 7) = 1009.16689416507143999697715965318783801532828, (14, 8) = -35.05063705*I, (14, 9) = -1.081758215*I, (14, 10) = .805172606177376737844957657938233921696306905, (14, 11) = -1.28822588438750284892199202326992770781607054, (14, 12) = .370982506039653923963789326359229665746676298*I, (14, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000004448, (14, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000002308483, (14, 15) = 1018.21968036744599747318369866423941656487034, (15, 1) = 0, (15, 2) = -1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (15, 3) = .472007071498869469711464480852290076392886818*I, (15, 4) = -1.048872513*I, (15, 5) = .658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (15, 6) = 0, (15, 7) = 0, (15, 8) = 0, (15, 9) = 0, (15, 10) = 0, (15, 11) = 0, (15, 12) = 0, (15, 13) = 0, (15, 14) = 0, (15, 15) = 0, (16, 1) = 8, (16, 2) = .516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (16, 3) = .157087667438024041386330713987768482051008262*I, (16, 4) = .113781789011852812312696505223578179747798329*I, (16, 5) = .877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (16, 6) = -45.5583959992909648360043286735679679113587631, (16, 7) = -49.2104104577498887775211368820566392860712299, (16, 8) = 893.506783720169698656724304667952267191687315*I, (16, 9) = -.866146675707479268632063873487527071333386044, (16, 10) = -0.3920154867e-1*I, (16, 11) = .141165764599481508540163197537118257205129796*I, (16, 12) = .520820958366521078324036803446408915170112964, (16, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999997268842, (16, 14) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999974976375, (16, 15) = 890.986610791943203054869284606448158021303178*I, (17, 1) = 0, (17, 2) = .516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (17, 3) = -.1570876674*I, (17, 4) = -.1137817890*I, (17, 5) = .877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (17, 6) = 0, (17, 7) = 0, (17, 8) = 0, (17, 9) = 0, (17, 10) = 0, (17, 11) = 0, (17, 12) = 0, (17, 13) = 0, (17, 14) = 0, (17, 15) = 0})

Ans := Matrix(17, 15, {(1, 1) = `-`, (1, 2) = u0, (1, 3) = u1, (1, 4) = u2, (1, 5) = u3, (1, 6) = P*x, (1, 7) = Py, (1, 8) = Pz, (1, 9) = g0, (1, 10) = g1, (1, 11) = g2, (1, 12) = g3, (1, 13) = u^2, (1, 14) = g^2, (1, 15) = P, (2, 1) = 1, (2, 2) = -.516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (2, 3) = .157087667438024041386330713987768482051008262*I, (2, 4) = .113781789011852812312696505223578179747798329*I, (2, 5) = -.877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (2, 6) = -45.5583959992909648360043286735679679113587631, (2, 7) = -49.2104104577498887775211368820566392860712299, (2, 8) = -893.5067837*I, (2, 9) = -.866146675707479268632063873487527071333386044, (2, 10) = 0.392015486681650570173437868256055772345022977e-1*I, (2, 11) = -.1411657646*I, (2, 12) = .520820958366521078324036803446408915170112964, (2, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999997268842, (2, 14) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999974976375, (2, 15) = 890.986610791943203054869284606448158021303178*I, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = -.516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (3, 3) = -.1570876674*I, (3, 4) = -.1137817890*I, (3, 5) = -.877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (3, 6) = 0, (3, 7) = 0, (3, 8) = 0, (3, 9) = 0, (3, 10) = 0, (3, 11) = 0, (3, 12) = 0, (3, 13) = 0, (3, 14) = 0, (3, 15) = 0, (4, 1) = 2, (4, 2) = 1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (4, 3) = -.4720070715*I, (4, 4) = 1.04887251334709968989772260444378754238846281*I, (4, 5) = -.658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (4, 6) = -139.935858043713569770172241394940432701557933, (4, 7) = 1009.16689416507143999697715965318783801532828, (4, 8) = 35.050637050173061427545252165933711014164793*I, (4, 9) = -1.081758215*I, (4, 10) = -.805172606177376737844957657938233921696306905, (4, 11) = 1.28822588438750284892199202326992770781607054, (4, 12) = .370982506039653923963789326359229665746676298*I, (4, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000004448, (4, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000002308483, (4, 15) = 1018.21968036744599747318369866423941656487034, (5, 1) = 0, (5, 2) = 1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (5, 3) = .472007071498869469711464480852290076392886818*I, (5, 4) = -1.048872513*I, (5, 5) = -.658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (5, 6) = 0, (5, 7) = 0, (5, 8) = 0, (5, 9) = 0, (5, 10) = 0, (5, 11) = 0, (5, 12) = 0, (5, 13) = 0, (5, 14) = 0, (5, 15) = 0, (6, 1) = 3, (6, 2) = .888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (6, 3) = -.106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (6, 4) = .227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (6, 5) = -.383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (6, 6) = -33.2619224164850716022540679651061384838837392, (6, 7) = -70.5221377558306752001316338827006032187340768, (6, 8) = 520.235208378859672763343647578296600919428272, (6, 9) = .403127155352863813666160452061241985268802920, (6, 10) = -.229875128453580499649930605383626391667210087, (6, 11) = -.249025243344440313757976839460134436215711022, (6, 12) = .850077849442508503270095108095866473994329709, (6, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990, (6, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001494, (6, 15) = 526.046005054204528169704406776278260629227147, (7, 1) = 0, (7, 2) = .888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (7, 3) = .106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (7, 4) = -.227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (7, 5) = -.383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (7, 6) = 0, (7, 7) = 0, (7, 8) = 0, (7, 9) = 0, (7, 10) = 0, (7, 11) = 0, (7, 12) = 0, (7, 13) = 0, (7, 14) = 0, (7, 15) = 0, (8, 1) = 4, (8, 2) = .771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (8, 3) = -.251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (8, 4) = .494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (8, 5) = -.311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (8, 6) = -35.3773974809076144493333628813387306219066392, (8, 7) = -261.955262605587133808935304231369552994540307, (8, 8) = 267.817639506339708440220037786669249266668237, (8, 9) = .542590138401669145144489319765760630956089296, (8, 10) = -.207306657051038538831939399741694104211987188, (8, 11) = -.745192226522038608473536679495983480516139685, (8, 12) = .327579665398674149197429570862493923635921752, (8, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, (8, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000070, (8, 15) = 376.295638946336949362327994692547262453058894, (9, 1) = 0, (9, 2) = .771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (9, 3) = .251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (9, 4) = -.494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (9, 5) = -.311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (9, 6) = 0, (9, 7) = 0, (9, 8) = 0, (9, 9) = 0, (9, 10) = 0, (9, 11) = 0, (9, 12) = 0, (9, 13) = 0, (9, 14) = 0, (9, 15) = 0, (10, 1) = 5, (10, 2) = -.771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (10, 3) = -.251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (10, 4) = .494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (10, 5) = .311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (10, 6) = -35.3773974809076144493333628813387306219066392, (10, 7) = -261.955262605587133808935304231369552994540307, (10, 8) = -267.817639506339708440220037786669249266668237, (10, 9) = .542590138401669145144489319765760630956089296, (10, 10) = .207306657051038538831939399741694104211987188, (10, 11) = .745192226522038608473536679495983480516139685, (10, 12) = .327579665398674149197429570862493923635921752, (10, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, (10, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000070, (10, 15) = 376.295638946336949362327994692547262453058894, (11, 1) = 0, (11, 2) = -.771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (11, 3) = .251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (11, 4) = -.494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (11, 5) = .311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (11, 6) = 0, (11, 7) = 0, (11, 8) = 0, (11, 9) = 0, (11, 10) = 0, (11, 11) = 0, (11, 12) = 0, (11, 13) = 0, (11, 14) = 0, (11, 15) = 0, (12, 1) = 6, (12, 2) = -.888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (12, 3) = -.106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (12, 4) = .227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (12, 5) = .383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (12, 6) = -33.2619224164850716022540679651061384838837392, (12, 7) = -70.5221377558306752001316338827006032187340768, (12, 8) = -520.235208378859672763343647578296600919428272, (12, 9) = .403127155352863813666160452061241985268802920, (12, 10) = .229875128453580499649930605383626391667210087, (12, 11) = .249025243344440313757976839460134436215711022, (12, 12) = .850077849442508503270095108095866473994329709, (12, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990, (12, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001494, (12, 15) = 526.046005054204528169704406776278260629227147, (13, 1) = 0, (13, 2) = -.888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (13, 3) = .106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (13, 4) = -.227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (13, 5) = .383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (13, 6) = 0, (13, 7) = 0, (13, 8) = 0, (13, 9) = 0, (13, 10) = 0, (13, 11) = 0, (13, 12) = 0, (13, 13) = 0, (13, 14) = 0, (13, 15) = 0, (14, 1) = 7, (14, 2) = -1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (14, 3) = -.4720070715*I, (14, 4) = 1.04887251334709968989772260444378754238846281*I, (14, 5) = .658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (14, 6) = -139.935858043713569770172241394940432701557933, (14, 7) = 1009.16689416507143999697715965318783801532828, (14, 8) = -35.05063705*I, (14, 9) = -1.081758215*I, (14, 10) = .805172606177376737844957657938233921696306905, (14, 11) = -1.28822588438750284892199202326992770781607054, (14, 12) = .370982506039653923963789326359229665746676298*I, (14, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000004448, (14, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000002308483, (14, 15) = 1018.21968036744599747318369866423941656487034, (15, 1) = 0, (15, 2) = -1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (15, 3) = .472007071498869469711464480852290076392886818*I, (15, 4) = -1.048872513*I, (15, 5) = .658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (15, 6) = 0, (15, 7) = 0, (15, 8) = 0, (15, 9) = 0, (15, 10) = 0, (15, 11) = 0, (15, 12) = 0, (15, 13) = 0, (15, 14) = 0, (15, 15) = 0, (16, 1) = 8, (16, 2) = .516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (16, 3) = .157087667438024041386330713987768482051008262*I, (16, 4) = .113781789011852812312696505223578179747798329*I, (16, 5) = .877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (16, 6) = -45.5583959992909648360043286735679679113587631, (16, 7) = -49.2104104577498887775211368820566392860712299, (16, 8) = 893.506783720169698656724304667952267191687315*I, (16, 9) = -.866146675707479268632063873487527071333386044, (16, 10) = -0.3920154867e-1*I, (16, 11) = .141165764599481508540163197537118257205129796*I, (16, 12) = .520820958366521078324036803446408915170112964, (16, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999997268842, (16, 14) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999974976375, (16, 15) = 890.986610791943203054869284606448158021303178*I, (17, 1) = 0, (17, 2) = .516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (17, 3) = -.1570876674*I, (17, 4) = -.1137817890*I, (17, 5) = .877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (17, 6) = 0, (17, 7) = 0, (17, 8) = 0, (17, 9) = 0, (17, 10) = 0, (17, 11) = 0, (17, 12) = 0, (17, 13) = 0, (17, 14) = 0, (17, 15) = 0})




"seq( if 'has'(Ans(n,1..15) ,Im<>0) then DeleteRow (Ans(n) )end if,n=2..17)"

Error, invalid argument sequence

"seq( if 'has'(Ans(n,1..15) ,Im<>0) then DeleteRow (Ans(n) )end if,n=2..17)"



Matrix(17, 15, {(1, 1) = `-`, (1, 2) = u0, (1, 3) = u1, (1, 4) = u2, (1, 5) = u3, (1, 6) = P*x, (1, 7) = Py, (1, 8) = Pz, (1, 9) = g0, (1, 10) = g1, (1, 11) = g2, (1, 12) = g3, (1, 13) = u^2, (1, 14) = g^2, (1, 15) = P, (2, 1) = 1, (2, 2) = -.516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (2, 3) = .157087667438024041386330713987768482051008262*I, (2, 4) = .113781789011852812312696505223578179747798329*I, (2, 5) = -.877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (2, 6) = -45.5583959992909648360043286735679679113587631, (2, 7) = -49.2104104577498887775211368820566392860712299, (2, 8) = -893.5067837*I, (2, 9) = -.866146675707479268632063873487527071333386044, (2, 10) = 0.392015486681650570173437868256055772345022977e-1*I, (2, 11) = -.1411657646*I, (2, 12) = .520820958366521078324036803446408915170112964, (2, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999997268842, (2, 14) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999974976375, (2, 15) = 890.986610791943203054869284606448158021303178*I, (3, 1) = 0, (3, 2) = -.516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (3, 3) = -.1570876674*I, (3, 4) = -.1137817890*I, (3, 5) = -.877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (3, 6) = 0, (3, 7) = 0, (3, 8) = 0, (3, 9) = 0, (3, 10) = 0, (3, 11) = 0, (3, 12) = 0, (3, 13) = 0, (3, 14) = 0, (3, 15) = 0, (4, 1) = 2, (4, 2) = 1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (4, 3) = -.4720070715*I, (4, 4) = 1.04887251334709968989772260444378754238846281*I, (4, 5) = -.658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (4, 6) = -139.935858043713569770172241394940432701557933, (4, 7) = 1009.16689416507143999697715965318783801532828, (4, 8) = 35.050637050173061427545252165933711014164793*I, (4, 9) = -1.081758215*I, (4, 10) = -.805172606177376737844957657938233921696306905, (4, 11) = 1.28822588438750284892199202326992770781607054, (4, 12) = .370982506039653923963789326359229665746676298*I, (4, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000004448, (4, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000002308483, (4, 15) = 1018.21968036744599747318369866423941656487034, (5, 1) = 0, (5, 2) = 1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (5, 3) = .472007071498869469711464480852290076392886818*I, (5, 4) = -1.048872513*I, (5, 5) = -.658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (5, 6) = 0, (5, 7) = 0, (5, 8) = 0, (5, 9) = 0, (5, 10) = 0, (5, 11) = 0, (5, 12) = 0, (5, 13) = 0, (5, 14) = 0, (5, 15) = 0, (6, 1) = 3, (6, 2) = .888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (6, 3) = -.106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (6, 4) = .227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (6, 5) = -.383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (6, 6) = -33.2619224164850716022540679651061384838837392, (6, 7) = -70.5221377558306752001316338827006032187340768, (6, 8) = 520.235208378859672763343647578296600919428272, (6, 9) = .403127155352863813666160452061241985268802920, (6, 10) = -.229875128453580499649930605383626391667210087, (6, 11) = -.249025243344440313757976839460134436215711022, (6, 12) = .850077849442508503270095108095866473994329709, (6, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990, (6, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001494, (6, 15) = 526.046005054204528169704406776278260629227147, (7, 1) = 0, (7, 2) = .888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (7, 3) = .106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (7, 4) = -.227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (7, 5) = -.383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (7, 6) = 0, (7, 7) = 0, (7, 8) = 0, (7, 9) = 0, (7, 10) = 0, (7, 11) = 0, (7, 12) = 0, (7, 13) = 0, (7, 14) = 0, (7, 15) = 0, (8, 1) = 4, (8, 2) = .771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (8, 3) = -.251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (8, 4) = .494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (8, 5) = -.311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (8, 6) = -35.3773974809076144493333628813387306219066392, (8, 7) = -261.955262605587133808935304231369552994540307, (8, 8) = 267.817639506339708440220037786669249266668237, (8, 9) = .542590138401669145144489319765760630956089296, (8, 10) = -.207306657051038538831939399741694104211987188, (8, 11) = -.745192226522038608473536679495983480516139685, (8, 12) = .327579665398674149197429570862493923635921752, (8, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, (8, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000070, (8, 15) = 376.295638946336949362327994692547262453058894, (9, 1) = 0, (9, 2) = .771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (9, 3) = .251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (9, 4) = -.494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (9, 5) = -.311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (9, 6) = 0, (9, 7) = 0, (9, 8) = 0, (9, 9) = 0, (9, 10) = 0, (9, 11) = 0, (9, 12) = 0, (9, 13) = 0, (9, 14) = 0, (9, 15) = 0, (10, 1) = 5, (10, 2) = -.771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (10, 3) = -.251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (10, 4) = .494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (10, 5) = .311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (10, 6) = -35.3773974809076144493333628813387306219066392, (10, 7) = -261.955262605587133808935304231369552994540307, (10, 8) = -267.817639506339708440220037786669249266668237, (10, 9) = .542590138401669145144489319765760630956089296, (10, 10) = .207306657051038538831939399741694104211987188, (10, 11) = .745192226522038608473536679495983480516139685, (10, 12) = .327579665398674149197429570862493923635921752, (10, 13) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000004, (10, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000070, (10, 15) = 376.295638946336949362327994692547262453058894, (11, 1) = 0, (11, 2) = -.771395089635626888037058585282289072153672569, (11, 3) = .251315638632409886572894533969222074089643996, (11, 4) = -.494467079738422222368894560870844350373447897, (11, 5) = .311917252680552965184041884461266972741091408, (11, 6) = 0, (11, 7) = 0, (11, 8) = 0, (11, 9) = 0, (11, 10) = 0, (11, 11) = 0, (11, 12) = 0, (11, 13) = 0, (11, 14) = 0, (11, 15) = 0, (12, 1) = 6, (12, 2) = -.888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (12, 3) = -.106822611437208274601612056689973427508887756, (12, 4) = .227628951666705815052303897780904267397418654, (12, 5) = .383602784885339918445575993340862111408067307, (12, 6) = -33.2619224164850716022540679651061384838837392, (12, 7) = -70.5221377558306752001316338827006032187340768, (12, 8) = -520.235208378859672763343647578296600919428272, (12, 9) = .403127155352863813666160452061241985268802920, (12, 10) = .229875128453580499649930605383626391667210087, (12, 11) = .249025243344440313757976839460134436215711022, (12, 12) = .850077849442508503270095108095866473994329709, (12, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999999999990, (12, 14) = 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001494, (12, 15) = 526.046005054204528169704406776278260629227147, (13, 1) = 0, (13, 2) = -.888607277416217966051928947403779522572804242, (13, 3) = 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1018.21968036744599747318369866423941656487034, (15, 1) = 0, (15, 2) = -1.37465842397864539997343521056744950913464373, (15, 3) = .472007071498869469711464480852290076392886818*I, (15, 4) = -1.048872513*I, (15, 5) = .658208509656740520048240372814155977066034431, (15, 6) = 0, (15, 7) = 0, (15, 8) = 0, (15, 9) = 0, (15, 10) = 0, (15, 11) = 0, (15, 12) = 0, (15, 13) = 0, (15, 14) = 0, (15, 15) = 0, (16, 1) = 8, (16, 2) = .516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (16, 3) = .157087667438024041386330713987768482051008262*I, (16, 4) = .113781789011852812312696505223578179747798329*I, (16, 5) = .877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (16, 6) = -45.5583959992909648360043286735679679113587631, (16, 7) = -49.2104104577498887775211368820566392860712299, (16, 8) = 893.506783720169698656724304667952267191687315*I, (16, 9) = -.866146675707479268632063873487527071333386044, (16, 10) = -0.3920154867e-1*I, (16, 11) = .141165764599481508540163197537118257205129796*I, (16, 12) = .520820958366521078324036803446408915170112964, (16, 13) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999997268842, (16, 14) = .999999999999999999999999999999999999974976375, (16, 15) = 890.986610791943203054869284606448158021303178*I, (17, 1) = 0, (17, 2) = .516501806300516366332207827845271720295699875, (17, 3) = -.1570876674*I, (17, 4) = -.1137817890*I, (17, 5) = .877979905726868500805204485093148911811362591, (17, 6) = 0, (17, 7) = 0, (17, 8) = 0, (17, 9) = 0, (17, 10) = 0, (17, 11) = 0, (17, 12) = 0, (17, 13) = 0, (17, 14) = 0, (17, 15) = 0})






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