
60 Reputation

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5 years, 63 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by arashghgood

Dear Maplers

Consider the follwoing differential equation

Deq:=(K*( Q*sinh(K)*cosh(Q)-K*cosh(K)*sinh(Q))*(1+s*K^2)

pp := 0.077;
ss := 0; 

ode:= diff(Q(K), K) = eval(subs(Q=Q(K),-(diff(Deq, K))/(diff(Deq, Q))),[p=pp,s=ss]);

I aim to solve this DE numerically. Note that K and Q are complex variable and K varies from 0.1.e-5*I to 20.+1.e-5*I

in addition,


I tried dsolve. but it does not get back correct solutions

sol1 := dsolve({ode,Q(0)=1e-15+1e-15*I}, numeric, method=rkf45, output = listprocedure, abserr = 1.*10^(-6), relerr = 1.*10^(-6), range=0.0+1e-5*I .. 10.0+1e-5*I )

for example sol1(2.0+1e-5*I) return nothing

How can I solve this equation?

Dear Mapler

I want to find all real and complex solutions to the following equation. then calculate the omega based on these values and finally select the present the omega with the smallest imaginary part.




#params:= [p,    s, nu,   rho, h,    sigma, C1[1], C1[2], C2[1], C2[2], k1,  k2,  m1[1], m1[2], m2[1], m2[2] ]
 params:= [1e-7, 0, 1e-6, 1e3, 1e-2, 0,     5e-4,  5e-4,  5e-4,  5e-4,  1.4, 1.4, 1+I,   1+I,   1-I,   1-I   ]:

for i from 1 to n do
                  ( (x*h)*( (y*h)*sinh((x*h))*cosh((y*h))-(x*h)*cosh((x*h))*sinh((y*h)))*(1+s*(x*h)^2)
                 , [p=params[1], s=params[2], h=params[5] ]), y
            , AllSolutions=true)]:
    for j from 1 to nops(mm[i]) do
        omega[i][j]:=eval(-I*nu*((x*h)^2-mm[i][j]^2), [nu=params[3],h=params[5]]);

Dear Mapler

I have an expression that consist of power of main variable x. I aim to fetch the coefficient of square root of x for example. I get an error when I am using COEFF(esp, sqrt(x))

Is there any solution?

Dear experts

I am interested to solve the following equation numerically by Maple. I would appreciate it if you let me how I can do and what the boundary conditions and initial values are needed

eq:= diff(2*diff(eta(x,y,t),t)+3*eta(x,y,t)*diff(eta(x,y,t),x)+(1/3-1/epsilon/B)*diff(eta(x,y,t),x,x,x),x)+diff(eta(x,y,t),y,y)-1/sqrt(Pi*R)*int(diff(eta(x+zeta,y,t),x,x)/sqrt(zeta),zeta=0..t/epsilon)=0;

1) epsilon, B and r are constant

2) 1/epsilon/B is not equal to 1/3 at all

Dear users

All my recent questions are removed by "mapleprimes" automatically. who knows the reason?

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