
35 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 133 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by carriewong

Hi there,

I am doing an exercise which asked me to perform a taylor expansion for an arbitrary function of 2 variables (x,y) around an arbitrary point (x0,y0). Here's what I've got:

In the above,s and u are any 2 functions of interest.x0 and y0 are the coordinates of the point of expansion.I guess there was something wrong with s and u.What should I type in,in order to make any bi-variate functions as parameters in my procedure?


Hi there,

I was doing an exercise on maple as given above.I've tried to eliminate the warnings in green box by typing "local" in the relevant codes but without success. How should I proceed?


Hi there,

I was asked to compute the inverse laplace transform of 
1/s^2 + (e^s - 2)/(s*(e^s-1))

I've tried to evaluate it using online calculators like wolframalpha.However,none of them was able to give an answer.

So,this is what I've got from Maple:


I was wondering if it is correct.The graph doesn't look too bad but I've no idea what 1+frac(t) means.Some help would be greatly appreciated,thanks!

p.s.I've loaded the with(inttrans) package

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