
35 Reputation

5 Badges

7 years, 135 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by carriewong

Hi there,

I have the following complex-valued function,in polar coordinates:

Gamma is an arbitrary real constant.

How can a generate a 2D plot of w(z) using maple? 


Hi there,

I know for a given 2x2 system of differential equations, it is possible for maple to plot a phase portrait on x-y plane (or a graph with directions and arrows).And this is also possible in a 3x3 system by choosing 2 variables / the plane of projection by including the code scene=[x(t),y(t)] (on x-y plane) .

My question is:

given a system of 3x3 differential equations,like

dx/dt = f(x(t),y(t),z(t))

dy/dt = g(x(t),y(t),z(t))

dz/dt = h(x(t),y(t),z(t)),

how could I produce a 3D vector field of the system? (with arrows)


Hi there,

I am doing my assignment and struggling to do the last question: (only part (c))
The left side shows the question. 3(d) is basically a phase portrait / vector field plot of a 2D system of differential equations on x-y plane. However,I am not sure how to extend it to 3 dimension. Moreover, for the second part, they ask me to plot x-t and y-t on the same graph,which is something similar to right hand side of the above picture (NOTE:THE plot doesn't represent the system in Question 4) . However,I've got the z term.How should I fix it?

Hi there,

I've been asked to do the following and now I'm struggling to do part (c) (Part (a) and (b) are irrelevant!)


code for part(c):

So I want to animate the system of differential equations when a=1,and b as the parameter varying from 0.5 to 3,also 0<=x<=5,0<=y<=5;while t could be any arbitrary range from 0 to,say,50.However, I am not sure where to include b in my code.

Thanks in advance

Hi there,

I was asked to solve this problem:

and ending up with this:

In Solut,if I replace evalf by solve I get a sensible solution.However,it is explicitly written in the question that I should use evalf to get an exact answer.How should I modify my code?

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