
75 Reputation

5 Badges

11 years, 240 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by trace

hello guys,


i have a system of autonomous equations which i want to plot its 3D phase space with directional field,

i have some problem with it , and i dont know how to command for add some directional field for 3D phase space .


thank you guys



how can i compute a tensorial term ( dAlembertian ,..) in anholonomic frame ?

thanks in advance

pals ,i have problem when i want to refer to a number of an equation :



guys , i have a metric and i want to define a componenets of a tensor and then obtain its covariant derivative with respect to a metric, what is your idea ?

N_1=-A(r)^1/2 , A_2=A_3=A_4=0 , what is D_[nu] N_1 =?

 in general i want to define N[1]=-A(r)^(1/2) and N[2] = N[3]= N[3] = N[4] = 0 And define F[mu, nu] = 2*(D_[mu] N[nu]-D_[nu] N[mu]) And define Omega[mu, nu] = 2*(D_[mu] N[nu]+D_[nu] N[mu]) and compute expression F_[alpha, beta] F_[~alpha`, ~beta ] And N_[alpha] N_[~beta`] F_[ ~alpha, ~lambda ] Omega_[beta, lambda])

i have problem with this how to difine this tensorial terms and how to compute them.




guys i have a metric and i want to find its d'alembertian. what is your idea ?



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