
5860 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 213 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

A post to conjure up some interest.  Nasa seeks coders to hunt asteroids

Just going out on a limb here but any of the three M's would have a good chance here.  A good opportunity to create some code.  Maple could port it to C code then compiled for speed.  On a smaller scale it would be an interesting challenge.  On the larger scale not sure if Maple would be best suited for the task.  Opinions?

A little late in the game, with no Maple 18 wishlist yet I'd like to get it started

granted all wishes for previous versions not yet applied should still, hopefully, be under consideration.  


1 - The abitlity to angle x-axis labels.


2 - Textplot option for text to rotate with graph as it is rotated.  Currently all textplot texts are held to the horizontal




Just came across this

Press esc twice then enter.  Maple becomes unresponsive. 



On the help page updates,Maple17,SignalProcessing

If I open the current help page in a worksheet window and enter through each line individually I get an error on executing 2.1.8

The !!! will execute the whole page no problem although it brings up the second issue which is using the stop hand, it won't stop the calculation of the entire worksheet part way through. 


I have located a claimed webpage that shows Advanpix doing sparse matricies much faster than Maple.

The slowness is usually the result of poor coding or someone not well versed in Maple software. 

Anyone care to comment on the times?  I am sure the presented code there can be improved.

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