
5860 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 213 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

Off to the right of mapleprimes we have Recent Questions/Maplesoft Blog Posts/Recent Posts and Active Conversations.

I propose to have the category Workarounds added. 


There are two instances I can think of that would be beneficial for Maple users that would belong here.  The most recent one and one regarding issues adding the dissipative term to the heat equations

Users of older versions of Maple or even current Maple versions not yet updated would find this quite useful. 


There are some great comments and replies by users that are worth upvoting.   Also choosing as best answer to some posts that were converted from questions would also be helpful here at mapleprimes.

Mapleprimes should have an option to sort Mapleprimes by the date of the original poster.

There are few ways to determine the day of the year.  The first way I show here is a bug.


it was described on the help page that the options can be of the form of any described in StringTools[ParseTime] of which %j did not work.  Fortunately there's other ways.

ParseTime("%m-%d-%Y", "8-4-2015"):-yearDay

DayCount("jan-1-2015", "aug-4-2015")+1






Why hasn't mapleprimes yet been able to solve the spam problem.  There was never this long a problem with Mapleprimes 1, every morning I find spam for the last few weeks. 

Also the timing still has yet to be fixed.  After 1 hour the times for when a post was made goes back to 0 minutes ago.



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