
MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

Anyone interested in modifying and expanding the Maple FIFA simulation for the Eurocup to include the knockout round?  Any interest?

Maple 2016.1a now available, fixes issues reported here

Thank you Maplesoft for your quick response to this issue.

Just a simple little proc that grabs and displays some simple data for general stars (I've only listed a couple for starters).  It wasn't till later that I realized it's not an up to date database as it doesn't contain more recent interesting stars like Kepler 452.  One would have to go to the SIMBAD astronomical database for which I have not yet devoted any time for .. at least not yet. 

StarData := proc (a::string) local b, c, d, e1, e2, e3; b := StringTools:-DeleteSpace(StringTools:-Substitute(a, " ", "+")); c := HTTP:-Get(cat("", b)); d := convert(c[2], string); e1 := d[StringTools:-Search("<H1>", d)+4 .. StringTools:-Search("</H1>", d)-1]; e2 := d[StringTools:-Search("Right", d) .. StringTools:-Search("Standard error in distance", d)-8]; e3 := StringTools:-SubstituteAll(StringTools:-SubstituteAll(StringTools:-SubstituteAll(e2, "<BR>", ""), "<B>", ""), "</B>", ""); print(e1); print(e3) end proc:


"Right Ascension and Declination: 0h0m0s, +0&deg;0'0" (epoch 2000.0)
Distance from Sol: 0 light-years (0 parsecs)


StarData("Wolf 1061")

"Right Ascension and Declination: 16h30m18.097s, -12&deg;39'45.17" (epoch 2000.0)
Distance from Sol: 13.91 light-years (4.264 parsecs)


StarData("Alpha Centauri")

"Right Ascension and Declination: 14h39m35.88s, -60&deg;50'7.4" (epoch 2000.0)
Distance from Sol: 4.395 light-years (1.347 parsecs)



"Right Ascension and Declination: 6h45m8.871s, -16&deg;42'57.99" (epoch 2000.0)
Distance from Sol: 8.601 light-years (2.637 parsecs)








Most of the tags in this question example are rediculous "the, you, is, and, help, how," etc... .  I tried editing them but I cannot save tags to remove junk tags.  Above all, the most important tag to the question Poincare is not there.  This specific issue is for the recent question



I hope that in the future if mapleprimes ever does another overhaul that it does NOT do what has recently been done at the mathematica forum I just came across.

Mapleprimes has endured a forum change from primes1 to primes2(current forum) and all posts/questions have for the most part remained intact, and have been repaired or fixed by the developers if pointed out .. thumbs up for Maplesoft and Mapleprimes developers for retaining all forum data.  Most posts that didn't have a home were simply relocated, but are still accessible.

In the case for mathematica, a whole student forum was removed and is being scrutinized, and decided by mathematica developers whether or not the post should be put back into the forum (currently none of the posts have been restored).  I would think that would be most dissappointing from any user standpoint. 

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