
5845 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 141 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

Just a small digression.  It would be nice if the numbers on the x-axis could be rotated or angled so it does not look like they collide with each other.  When the numbers reach the 100's or 1000's there will be congestion. 

This is perhaps a suggestion for a future Maple version as the current versions do not support number rotations on the axis.

This should be a blog post but there is no option for ordinary mapleprimers. 

If you have a gmail account you can access the data on google insights (what people search for on google and where in the world is that keyword searched the most).  Actually you don't need gmail but you don't get access to the full data and your limited to a few searches.  Using Maples internet connectivity commands I'm sure could prove to create some interesting apps.

To gain more visibility on the subject I've started a new thread. No solution yet and thanks Acer for trying to look into it. I almost wondered if there was a typo in the code preventing it from working properly since the code for ospd3 exists. We could almost write a loop code to check if something other than the word builtin is possible, using the try catch statement.

I'll re-iterate the issue

> bid := Create('ospd3');

I created a procedure over a year ago to collect earthquake data from the usgs and save it into a file. The procedure pulls data off the internet and saves it in a text file with a date stamp (minus the year - because I haven't been bothered to change it ) in the folder location f:/7 day earthquakes.  Feel free to modify it as you wish.  Here it is, pretty much still in it's original format when I created it.

earthquakedatasave := proc ()
  local a, b, c, d, e, i:

If I'm not mistaken Maple already had technical interactive documents.  And Mathematica introduced cdf only in mid 2011, however why is there so much hype about cdf and media coverage about it replacing pdf's.  Of course it differs by one letter and probably done so by design.  And if pdf is so popular, then so might cdf be in the future.  Pretty slick and trick marketing by Wolfram if you ask me. 

Also Maple released the maple Player in...

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