
5860 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 211 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

If you highlight words that are above or below one another on an adjacent line, the highlighting does not highlight properly. 

I have a P4 3 Ghz machine with 2.5 Gb's of RAM.  Basically I just want to find out what is not normal. 

In Maple when I just randomly press keys as fast as I can on my keyboard I can get my CPU usage up to 25%.  Should it really get that high just typing in letters?  What do other people get?

The subs command uses variables assigned to values that sub into an equation so the original equation being subbed into is not changed.  Wouldn't it be nice to assign variables during a subs command as well?  I don't really think it adds any value but it would make the command a little more versatile. 

What are some good 3rd party add-ons for maple? 

Maple Advisor Database?  it's a little dated but I think a nice addition.  or Aladjevs library for Maple 2.2013 ? - what does this really add to Maple that it doesn't already have? 

Any comments on those or some other good suggestions?

I recently came across a Probability and Statistics - Explorations with Maple book by Karian and Tanis.  It mentioned something about a stats package.

It seems that most of the stats package commands are mostly incorporated into newer maple versions. 

However some commands from the stats package seem to be better.  For example

Mean([x,3,1+x])  produces an error with the Statistics package in Maple where using Mean from the Stats package of Karian and Tanis produces a result. 

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