
5860 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 213 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

Why are lists limited to 100 elements?  Will it be expanded?

After reading the interview with Gaston Gonnet who was one of the original founders of Maple I became  interested when he started to talk about their thoughts of moving to open source.  Don't get me wrong his whole interview was quite interesting.  Then I just happened to stumble across this article from April 2009, where Tom Lee from maplesoft is on a panel discussing open source software. 

It appears that once a new version of maple has been released, all refining and polishing up of the previous version stops. 

Are any of the older Maple versions still useful? 

I'm sure they still have their usefulness on older systems that don't have much memory and can't handle the newer versions system requirements.   Besides that, and the renaming of some routines and packages would one ever have the need to go back to an older version?  Let's say for example I have Maple 12, 9.5 and 7 on my machine and I wanted to start a worksheet, would I ever have the need to start one on Maple 7? 

Although it's obvious and usual that newer or, the latest versions, consume more resources and CPU power, it is noticeable on a mediocre older system that Maple 13 is slower than Maple 12.  This point is merely for interest sake only and maybe for Maplesoft to take a look into their code to see if they can improve it's performance. 

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