
5860 Reputation

24 Badges

16 years, 186 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by Christopher2222

Maple doesn't seem to have a trace plot feature after you've created a plot.  The coordinate readout only roughly estimates the points.  Graphically I should be able to get exact points on a plotted line or curve as I move my cursor?  This feature has to be added as a new feature in future versions.

Also I just noticed animated graphs do not have the coordinate feature. 

It seems the cascade, tile etc... under the windows option only work when extra tabs from the same maple.exe are opened in a new window.  If multiple maple.exe files are started separately the cascade, tile etc... windows options are unavailable.  Not really a problem, it makes sense.  Third party programs are probably available that would force multiple windows into tile or cascaded format.

If I have autosave on and I'm working on a worksheet and then if I change the name of the directory in the middle of my worksheet.  Autosave re-generates the old file name and saves it there.  Not really a major bug - not many people change the names of their directories in the middle of working on a worksheet anyways.  Never-the-less I managed to stumble across it. 

It appears when extended mode is selected, the Round screen display to ... under precision it is still not working. 

When using the with(ScientificConstants) package and calling on the elements for it's properties some elements do not append the programming code. 

GetElement(1);  contains proc and endproc's and so does GetElement(2);

Element 3 - 5 don't but 6 - 10 do, and 11 - 16 don't and 17 - 18 do, 19 - 32 don't and 33 -  well you can find out yourselves.  Point is it's not consistent and needs to be fixed. 

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