
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 77 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by edgar

Something related ... these two take about the same time in my application. Are there some suggestions for speed-ups? Profile shows my program is spending a lot of time on this routine. A := proc(s) local z; option remember; ... other cases... if type(s,`*`) then if false in map(A,{op(s)}) then return false; else return true; fi; fi; end: A := proc(s) local z; option remember; ... other cases ... if type(s,`*`) then for z in op(s) do if not A(z) then return false; fi; od; return true; fi; end:
This will also work... subs(sqrt(2)=z,S1);

eliminate(%,z); But I want to put this inside a program, and I don't know in advance what irrationals will appear. So now what?

This will also work... subs(sqrt(2)=z,S1);

eliminate(%,z); But I want to put this inside a program, and I don't know in advance what irrationals will appear. So now what?

I found my error. Writing k= instead of k:=
Tech Support told me Maple 11 was designed for use with Java 1.5, so I had the correct version. My version says 1.5.0_07. But still not working. I'll try 11.01... --- G A Edgar
Loose the document? I guess that is preferable to lose the document! --- G A Edgar
Occasionally I have put a Maple worksheet here (in "my files"), then posted the link to it in a newsgroup. --- G A Edgar
How about if everyone who says "Maple 11 crashes" also says what OS they are using? My thread on Maple 11 not working for me (Mac OS 10.4 with G5 Mac) is here... http://www.mapleprimes.com/forum/maple-11-and-ppc-mac Dated 9 weeks ago. I have had some communications from Technical Support (for a while, but nothing for a month now). So far Maple 11 is not working for me. --- G A Edgar
Thanks. What Java should I have? No instability elsewhere. All crashes are while Maple is running, usually after only about 5 minutes. No coolant leaks: air cooled. --- G A Edgar
Maple 11 still has no zoom option between 100 and 150. Adding a 120 presumably would not be that hard. Do you think this constitutes evidence that Maple developers never actually read this board? --- G A Edgar
Mac OS ... the location of the settings file is changed for Maple 11 to: ~/Library/Preferences/Maple/11/Maple Preferences change the appropriate line to: Default Zoom=120 or whatever value you want. There is also HelpZoom=120 which you may or may not want. --- G A Edgar
First factor the denominator, then proceed in various cases, depending on whether the roots are real or complex... for example, suppose the factorization is a*(x-r1)*(x-r2)*(x-r3), where r1 < r2 < r3 . Then...

> p := a*(x-r1)*(x-r2)*(x-r3);

Maple Equation

> int(1/p,x);

Maple Equation


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Noting your spelling "capitalisation", I remark that Maple accepts either "color" or "colour"; "gray" or "grey", etc., so you don't have to worry about that!
Noting your spelling "capitalisation", I remark that Maple accepts either "color" or "colour"; "gray" or "grey", etc., so you don't have to worry about that!
Note that the series without the Pi does converge... sum(3*cos(x)/x,x=1..infinity) is -3/2*ln(2)-3/2*ln(1-cos(1)) It is an interesting exercise to get Maple to tell you that... --- G A Edgar
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