Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

_EnvHorizontalName := 'x';
_EnvVerticalName := 'y';
cb := color = blue;
t3 := thickness = 3;
l3 := linestyle = 3;
xA := 3;
yA := 0;
xB := -3;
yB := 0;
c := 6;
point(A, xA, yA);
point(B, xB, yB);
R := 5;
alpha := arctan(3/4);

xH := (xA + xB)/2;
yH := (yA + yB)/2;
point(H, xH, yH);
xO1 := 0;
yO1 := 4;
point(O1, xO1, yO1);
xO2 := 0;
yO2 := -4;
point(O2, xO2, yO2);
segment(sAB, A, B);
segment(sHO, H, O1);
segment(sAO, A, O1);
segment(sBO, B, O1);

alpha1 := arctan((yO1 - yA)/(xO1 - xA));
beta := Pi + arctan((yO1 - yB)/(xO1 - xB));
AR1 := plottools[arc]([xO1, yO1], R, alpha1 .. beta, l3);
AR2 := plottools[arc]([xO2, yO2], R, -beta .. -alpha1, l3);
N := 80;
dt := (beta - alpha1)/(N - 1);
dr := draw({O1, O2, sAB, sHO, sAO(cb), sBO(cb)});
tex := textplot([[xA, yA - 0.5, "A"], [xB, yB - 0.5, "B"], [xO1, yO1 + 0.5, "O1"], [xO2, yO2 - 0.5, "O2"], [xH, yH - 0.5, "H"]]);
M1 := seq(plottools[disk]([R*cos(dt*t + alpha1) + xO1, R*sin(dt*t + alpha1) + yO1], 0.2, color = orange), t = 0 .. N);
M2 := seq(plottools[disk]([R*cos(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + xO2, R*sin(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + yO2], 0.2, color = orange), t = 0 .. N);
P1 := seq(plottools[polygon]([[R*cos(dt*t + alpha1) + xO1, R*sin(dt*t + alpha1) + yO1], [xA, yA], [xB, yB]], color = aquamarine, linestyle = dash), t = 0 .. N);
P2 := seq(plottools[polygon]([[R*cos(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + xO1, R*sin(dt*t + Pi + alpha1) + yO1], [xA, yA], [xB, yB]], color = aquamarine, linestyle = dash), t = 0 .. N);
for t to N do
    E[t] := display(dr, tex, AR1, AR2, M1[t], P1[t]);
    F[t] := display(dr, tex, AR1, AR2, M2[t], P2[t]);
end do;
display([seq(E[t], t = 1 .. N), seq(F[t], t = 1 .. N)], insequence = true, axes = none, scaling = constrained, view = [-10 .. 10, -10 .. 10]);

angle that does not turn on the lower arc. Thank you.

OS Linux

I have Maple 2022 open with a worksheet on a specific workspace.

I then move to a different workspace and want to start a new instance of maple for a new problem.

In command line I exacute

$]xmaple22 –standalone  filename.mw

Unfortunately when the new instance is started, the open maple instance on the first workspace is moved automatically to the second workspace together with the new instance opened, completely messing up the organization.

This is not expected behavior.

How can I make Maple execute absolutely independent instances of xmaple22 without indiscressionately and automatically moving existing open maple instances to the current workspace.

Severely annoying. Maple 9.5 e.g. does not have this behavior at all so Maple 2022 is a step backwards in this regard.


I learnt that MapleFlow (MF) was a product similar (and better) than MathCad (MC). I have a old copy of MC, v.11 (with Maple symbolic engine) and I compared it with MF from my engineering dep. 

Can one kindly explain why Sum of a simple Matrix does not work, if the index is placed as exponent? Here what I did:

I want to rescale a projective vector. Have been using gcd on the numerators and denominators. This works in simple situations. It doesn;t work well here, admitadely the points have been just made up for the question.  Square roots seem to make it mal-preform. I run into a lot of squate roots in symbolic situations. What would be a better way? I have been wondering if frontend would help?











      description "2 projective points to create a projective line vector";
      option overload;
      local Vp ,gcdn,gcdd,vp ;
      uses LinearAlgebra;
      Vp:=CrossProduct(A,B)^%T;#print("2nd ",Vp);
      if ReScl then
         gcdn := gcd(gcd(numer(Vp[1]),numer(Vp[2])), numer(Vp[3]));
         gcdd := gcd(gcd(denom(Vp[1]),denom(Vp[2])), denom(Vp[3]));
      end if;
      if Prntmsg then
         print("Line vector from two projective points. " );
      end if;
      return Vp
      end proc,

      description "2 lines to get intersection projective point";
      option overload;
      uses LinearAlgebra;
      local  Vp;
      if Vp[3]<>0 and Normalise_Projective_Point<>0 then
      end if;
      if Prntmsg then
           print("Meet of two Lines ");
      end if;
      return Vp
   end proc


proc () option overload; [proc (A::(Vector[row]), B::(Vector[row]), prnt::boolean := Prntmsg) local Vp, gcdn, gcdd, vp; option overload; description "2 projective points to create a projective line vector"; Vp := LinearAlgebra:-CrossProduct(A, B)^%T; if ReScl then gcdn := gcd(gcd(numer(Vp[1]), numer(Vp[2])), numer(Vp[3])); gcdd := gcd(gcd(denom(Vp[1]), denom(Vp[2])), denom(Vp[3])); Vp := simplify(Vp*gcdd/gcdn) end if; if Prntmsg then print("Line vector from two projective points. ") end if; return Vp end proc, proc (A::(Vector[column]), B::(Vector[column]), prnt::boolean := Prntmsg) local Vp; option overload; description "2 lines to get intersection projective point"; Vp := LinearAlgebra:-CrossProduct(A, B)^%T; if Vp[3] <> 0 and Normalise_Projective_Point <> 0 then Vp := Vp/Vp[3] end if; if Prntmsg then print("Meet of two Lines ") end if; return Vp end proc] end proc






"Line vector from two projective points. "


Vector[column](%id = 36893490491002736020)



"Line vector from two projective points. "


Vector[column](%id = 36893490491002712420)



"Line vector from two projective points. "


Vector[column](%id = 36893490491064062908)



"Line vector from two projective points. "


Vector[column](%id = 36893490491064037372)



"Meet of two Lines "


Vector[row](%id = 36893490491002741932)



"Meet of two Lines "


Vector[row](%id = 36893490491113907252)



"Line vector from two projective points. "


Vector[column](%id = 36893490491113907972)







# doing nothing seems to work better here than rescaling


"Line vector from two projective points. "


Vector[column](%id = 36893490491125667468)






Download 2024-05-09_Q_Rescale_projective_vector.mw


is there any package out there to calculate Wigner J symbols and Clebsch-Gordon coefficients in Maple

I am running Maple 2023 - yes I should update - and I found a weird "bug" if you could call it that. For different versions of the Physics package I am getting different answers on the same problem. 

This is what I was getting when I run Version 1410:





`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1744. The version installed in this computer is 1410 created 2023, March 11, 12:59 hours Pacific Time, found in the directory /Users/b2hull/maple/toolbox/2023/Physics Updates/lib/`






`Systems of spacetime coordinates are:`*{X = (x1, x2, x3, x4)}


`Default differentiation variables for d_, D_ and dAlembertian are:`*{X = (x1, x2, x3, x4)}


`Setting `*lowercaselatin_is*` letters to represent `*space*` indices`


`The arbitrary metric in coordinates `*[x1, x2, x3, x4]


`Signature: `(`- - - +`)




LG :=(g_[~mu,~nu]*Ricci[mu,nu])*sqrt(-%g_[determinant]);

Physics:-g_[`~mu`, `~nu`]*Physics:-Ricci[mu, nu]*(-%g_[determinant])^(1/2)



Int(Int(Int(Int(Physics:-g_[`~mu`, `~nu`]*Physics:-Ricci[mu, nu]*(-%g_[determinant])^(1/2), x1 = -infinity .. infinity), x2 = -infinity .. infinity), x3 = -infinity .. infinity), x4 = -infinity .. infinity)



((1/2)*%g_[`~mu`, `~nu`]*Physics:-Ricci[mu, nu]*%g_[delta, gamma]*%g_[determinant]/(-%g_[determinant])^(1/2)+Physics:-Ricci[mu, nu]*(-%g_[determinant])^(1/2)*%g_[delta, `~mu`]*%g_[gamma, `~nu`])/(-%g_[determinant])^(1/2)



-(1/2)*Physics:-g_[delta, gamma]*Physics:-Ricci[nu, `~nu`]+Physics:-Ricci[delta, gamma]





And this is what I get if I used the latet update for 2023, Version 1683:




`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1744. The version installed in this computer is 1683 created 2024, March 6, 17:43 hours Pacific Time, found in the directory /Users/b2hull/maple/toolbox/2023/Physics Updates/lib/`






`Systems of spacetime coordinates are:`*{X = (x1, x2, x3, x4)}


`Default differentiation variables for d_, D_ and dAlembertian are:`*{X = (x1, x2, x3, x4)}


`Setting `*lowercaselatin_is*` letters to represent `*space*` indices`


`The arbitrary metric in coordinates `*[x1, x2, x3, x4]


`Signature: `(`- - - +`)




LG :=(g_[~mu,~nu]*Ricci[mu,nu])*sqrt(-%g_[determinant]);

Physics:-g_[`~mu`, `~nu`]*Physics:-Ricci[mu, nu]*(-%g_[determinant])^(1/2)



Int(Int(Int(Int(Physics:-g_[`~mu`, `~nu`]*Physics:-Ricci[mu, nu]*(-%g_[determinant])^(1/2), x1 = -infinity .. infinity), x2 = -infinity .. infinity), x3 = -infinity .. infinity), x4 = -infinity .. infinity)



-(1/2)*%g_[delta, gamma]*Physics:-g_[`~mu`, `~nu`]*Physics:-Ricci[mu, nu]



-(1/2)*Physics:-g_[delta, gamma]*Physics:-Ricci[nu, `~nu`]




Strange right? I bring this up because it makes me wonder about potential errors in other computations...

The answer - equation 6 - in 1410 is the correct answer. This is simply a derivation of the Einstein Tensor. 

Or some other type of calculation in indexed set. I tried the maple android app with no luck. How is done in maple?

I`m trying execute the example of Deeplearnig:

v1 := Vector(8, i -> i, datatype = float[8]);
v2 := Vector(8, [-1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 11.0, 19.0, 29.0, 41.0, 55.0], datatype = float[8]);
model := Sequential([DenseLayer(1, inputshape = [1])]);
model := Vector(2, {(1) = Typesetting:-mi("`DeepLearning 

   Model`"), (2) = Typesetting:-mi("`<keras.engine.sequential.Se\

  quential object at 0x000001C5B6520700>`")})

model:-Compile(optimizer = "sgd", loss = "mean_squared_error");
model:-Fit(v1, v2, epochs = 500);
"<Python object: <keras.callbacks.History object at 0x000001C5CC\


convert("<Python object: <keras.callbacks.History object at 0x000001C5CCEE9DE0>>", 'symbol');
<Python object: <keras.callbacks.History object at 0x000001C5CCE\




But, finally, there is this error:

Error, (in Predict) AttributeError: 'CatchOutErr' object has no attribute 'flush'

['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File "C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2023\\Python.X86_64_WINDOWS\\lib\\site-packages\\keras\\utils\\traceback_utils.py", line 70, in error_handler\n    raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None\n', '  File "C:\\Program Files\\Maple 2023\\Python.X86_64_WINDOWS\\lib\\site-packages\\keras\\utils\\io_utils.py", line 80, in print_msg\n    sys.stdout.flush()\n', "AttributeError: 'CatchOutErr' object has no attribute 'flush'\n"]

What`s is happening?


Can this be better done in Maple ? , see worksheet.

How can numbers be displayed inside the contour plot?

contourplot(x*exp(-x^2 - y^2), x = -2 .. 2, y = -2 .. 2, axes = boxed);
like this

OEIS A034828 and OEIS A000292 (which give the Wiener index for the cycle graph and the path graph respectively) mention that 

the Wiener index of the cycle of length 19 is 855 and 
the Wiener index of the path with 19 edges is 1330




So what happened here? 

I am trying to solve several problems of  solving  around 200 undetermined variables out of a set of aroud 300 2nd-order equations (such as a*b=c).

I just use "solve" command.

1. Maple continuingly evaluates and does not return result, how to make it work? 

2. In some problems, i have results, but there are great of freedom, which i want to restrict them in some way.

As I learned here Maple is also a multi-paradigm programming language.

I was wondering how Maple compares in this chart.

Even though I am not a computer scientist, I would say that Maple is on a par with the number one (not sure about pipelines).

Would this claim be correct?

I have noticed a substantial difference between the memory Maple displays per worksheet

and what the task manager (red arrow) indicates. After kernel restart it looks like this

What Maple displays does not seem to correlate with the physical memory used/allocated.

What is actually displayed and how can we make use of this information?

Also: Is the displayed Time the total process time or the time the Gui waits for the server to reply? Hard to tell.


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