Adam Ledger

Mr. Adam Ledger

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11 Badges

8 years, 231 days
Perth, Australia

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These are replies submitted by Adam Ledger

@Carl Love Ok sure thankyou for this, I have just always wondered how and felt silly asking. I still have this idea floating around in my head where I want an educational interface that effectively "locks out" the student from certain features of the maple interface, isolating their use as kind of subconcious way of developing good habits? ok I realise it sounds like I am describing mind control but I can assure you this isnt a revamp of MK Ultra or Facebook. 


what i mean is there are fairly standard kinds of investigative procedures that all users conduct as they look at whatever they please, so what i am suggesting is for example a student has used curve fitting packages to try and model data, at a certain point the interface closes command line interface and opens up a window where they are asked to write a 100 word commentary on the last 4 command lines executed.


Or another example, like my problem, the pallette is locked out and the user is asked to write in 1-D code only.

Or suppose latex documentation is a habit that is desirable for the student and the student doesnt agree for a long time because he wants to be special in some kind of silly way, features are locked out and they are required to look at the latex conversions, (most of the typesetting stuff i need to think about is to fix all the little asthetic problems that occur in the latex()  command)



anyway that sort of thing i think would be great fir early education programs.


tomleslie  ok great it looks like ive got the right version

@J F Ogilvie 
I'm sorry Sir i am family with Heun, but I have no knowledge of the others you refer to, so I would need to see what you are refering to in an algebraic expression to give my limited opinion on the matter.

@ecterrab  Sure thanks for that, I have purchased a new book called "Understanding Maple" and so I am quite confident that I will be able to build my own function database and an interface for adding new entries to it, so once I have completed that, I will simply write some code for regularly importing the content of Function Advisor into my personal database as appropriate.

@acer ok thanks the so I guess now all i need to know is why it produces a complex number, when I never introduced a complex variable? 

Also because it is a simplification that is concealed in an inner level of abstraction of evalf, i need to know the showstat for evalf so that I can further understand the causation of the invalid computation please thank you in advance sir very kind


you have a different expression to what I had

evalf[10](exp(-(1/2)*LambertW(1, 2*exp(2))+1) = simplify(exp(-(1/2)*LambertW(1, 2*exp(2))+1)));


-1.236756628-.9959964853*I = 1.236756627+.9959964845*I

@vv  well no there is no good reason to be studying math in general really is there I don't see what you mean here

@vv So this data will be correct?

@tomleslie Ok cool i had just assumed that raising Digits would correspond to higher precision floats, which is what i thought most of the plot data were the type, and so it would be essentially the same thing.


I really feel like asking how it increasing from the default numpoints is different to increasing Digits, but I'm getting the feeling that this is heading into the inbuilt function zone 

@Carl Love 

It's getting a little silly now but this frame by frame really shows the role of primality, in you will notice the spacing for prime  z is always at a minimum and constant. 


Ok it won't let me upload an mp4 and i dont know how to compile gif frame by frame yet so i just uploaded onto you tube:



@Carl Love 



@Carl Love I do alot of things involving these but yes it is the lowest common multiple. I guess the same question but for these plots then?

@ianmccr yep i got a letter in mail from CUP saying it will arrive on the 18th of July, finding it difficult to come to terms with the fact that a book would take this long but oh well

@Carl Love ok for starters, using degrees is a total waste of time here. It is just an obfuscation of the underlying principle, and secondly, you have not derived anything at all.


you have executed inbuilt maple commands with details that are absolutely necessary to describe to the reader in order for the content of your post to be  considered a derivation.

List these secondary school identities. 


Show us the polynomial for which sin((1/180)*Pi) is a root, you must know the degree of the polynomial, all other roots, and for degree greater than 4, show the method of approximation you used in your numerical computation of those roots.

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